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Learning React

This is my notes while learning the popular React with this video: React Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh

What is react?

React is the most popular JS library to create modern webapps which are reactive. It was created at Meta(earlier known as facebook).

Setting up the Development Environment

  1. Install VS code. It is one of the most popular IDE today, we can choose any IDE. Any text editor works as well. Prettier Extension is also recommended with "format on save" enabled.
  2. Latest Node LTS must be installed as well. Go to nodejs website to check the latest LTS version and check the one in your machine by node -v. If it is old, it should be updated, if it does not exist it must installed with install node.

Creating a react app

It can be installed with the official CRA(create-react-app) but in the tutorial vite is used.

First Install vite if not installed already.

install vite

Run the following command to create a vite project and follow the prompts correctly

npm create vite@latest

change directory to the project

cd react-app or whatever is the name of the directory

install all the dependencies

npm i

open the directory in VS code with the following command:

code .

run the web server

npm run dev

Project Structure

  1. node_modules directory: all dependencies are here, not to be touched.
  2. public directory. All public assets like images, svg etc.
  3. src directory. we write code here. index.html is the entry point.
  4. package.json. do not change anything unless you know what you are doing.
  5. tsconfig.json do not change unless you are an advanced user.
  6. vite.config.ts do not touch

Creating a react component

Everything in react is component. button, grids, navbar, cards etc. each page is built with several components. One component can also be built with other sub-component.

create a new .tsx file for a new component. .ts for simple ts files tsx for react components first letter of the .tsx filename should be capital by convention like Message.tsx.

components are function-based. there are some legacy code with class-based components. class is legacy in react, always use function first letter each word in the function name is capital, PascalCasing. Message, SendMessage, DisplayAlertMessage The name of the function and the name of the file is same. So, if the filename is Message.tsx, the name of the function is Message() the function will return JSX (javascript XMS), check to understand how JSX will return in Message.tsx return hello world with H1 tag as JSX then export it

now go to App.tsx and delete everything import Message write function to return the Message JSX and export it

How react works

Virtual dom react-dom is a dependency in the project.

React Ecosystem

It is just UI library which helps with building dynamic modern web apps. There are several other librararies which can help with other features like forms, validation, animation etc.

Creating a ListGroup Component

install bootstrap npm i bootstrop

delete the styling by vite delete contents of app.css and delete the file index.css. in main.tx, no need to import default css, and import bootstrap 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'. go to the page and check if bootstrap has been imported and included in the project.

all components in "components" folders going to add a listgroup component, what should be the name the file? it should have a function and then export this function text "List group" in H1 to tell that it is a listgroup. copy some code from bootstrap to show the listgroup first problem: class is a reserved kw in JS/TS, change it to className. learn to use multi cursor mode in VS code , (ctrl+D), and then ESC to exit the multi cursor more View > command pallete > format document > set perttier as the default formatter how to search files in VScode paranthesis is required around multiline JSX


since React calls createDOM, each component can only have one root element, but if we need to send more than one HTML element there are three ways

  1. Wrap all elements in a single div, cons: we created an extra div
  2. import fragments from react and then wrap all HTML elements in a single <fragment>. cons: we have to import from react
  3. wrap it within <> and </>, these empty angle brackets same as fragments

Rendering list

how to render the list when we have an array of strings?

there is no for loop in JSX. So, when we have a list of items, then we map it to create JSX. since code is not allowed in JSX, we wrap it in {} each child in a list should have a unique "key" property so that react can identify each element, it is generally the id when the data is coming from an API Since, we don't have an id here, we can use the the strings for the key as a workouround.

Conditional Rendering

what if there are no items? two ways:

  1. use if to return different items. but there is repitition 2.. use terninary operator, use a const variable or use another function to get the message, short circuit

Handling Events

onclick, if it simple, the function can be inline but generally it is not the case, so better to have a separate funciton. As a convention, the handler should start with the word "handle", something like handleClick works. but the problem we would run into is with the typescript, so we need to import the type of event from react and use it

Managing State

change class on click useState, initialize with a value, returns an array of two items: a value, and a set method to update that value. Each component has their own state.

Passing data via props

create interface to recieve props destructure it while recieving

passing functions via props

same as before mostly. the name of the passed function starts with handle, and it is received by the name starting with "on".

State vs Props

STATE: Data managed by a component, similar to local variables, mutable

PROPS: Input passed to a component, similar to function aguments, immutable

Passing Children

Es7+ react redux VS code extension, this helps with adding boiler plate code to react components to speed the development process. sometimes we need to pass HTML nodes to other components, and passing it via props is not good. we shall better pass it children. When we do that, we must import reactNode in the receiving component and recieve it as such. creat Alert.tsx, then add bootstrop alert, make the alert dynamic by expecting a text property if we are expecting some simple text string, we can rename the text prop to children and pass the text as child node as well. however, this would not work if the child is not a simple text but some HTML content instead. So, change the proptype to ReactNode instead of string. summary: text: String, if we are passing simple text through props children: string, if we are passing simple string as child children: ReactNode, if we are passing HTML as child

Inspecting Components with React Dev Tools

Install extension: React Developer Tools the components tab shows the component heirarrchy, props etc it also has some other useful features.

Exercise: Building a Button Component

button component

props interfac: button text as child string/ReactNode optional color property which shall only expects the values allowed by Bootstrap onClick handler to console log

Exercise: showing an alert

React + TypeScript + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

Expanding the ESLint configuration

If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules:

  • Configure the top-level parserOptions property like this:
export default {
  // other rules...
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 'latest',
    sourceType: 'module',
    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.node.json'],
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
  • Replace plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended to plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-type-checked or plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked
  • Optionally add plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked
  • Install eslint-plugin-react and add plugin:react/recommended & plugin:react/jsx-runtime to the extends list


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