A random Arithmetic math problem generator
This is a Ruby exercise project.
The main idea was to make a program that generates a random addition, subtraction, division or multiplication math problem for the user to solve.
The program does this by first creating an array of numbers 1 through to 10, and an array of operators (+,-,/,*). It then generates a random combination of two numbers and an operator, evaluates the problem, and seeks the user to give an answer, whilst already having solved the problem beforehand.
If the user gives the right answer, the program says correct, and if they are wrong, the program says incorrect. At each step, the user is given the option to continue or not.
I am quite new to Ruby so the code is very much unpolished and there are some issues still needing to be ironed out - but any input and/or suggestions are welcome.
Please feel free to fork this code and play with it however you like.