Below is a list of JavaScript (and a few HTML and CSS thrown in for good measure) resources, very loosely grouped by category and sub-category.
The idea is to list web technologies, frameworks and libraries which are used by members of the HKJS meetup. So you could find out more and discuss with others, or just learn something new.
The following two repositories have a comprehensive list or resources in case the below isn't enough. ;-)
- JavaScript:
- Node:
The the markdown used to render this page is maintained here. Feel free to submit pull-requests with any updates or additions (we'll be updating the version of the page here every couple of weeks).
- Motion
- Waypoints
- Walkway
- TheatreJS - Typing effect mimicking human behavior.
- CreateJS - A suite of modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content.
- ThreeJS - JavaScript 3D library
- Snabbt - Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
- Famous
- liquidity.js - A data visualization library for depicting quantities as animated liquid blobs.
- Focusable
- RxJS - The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
- Yolk - A library for building asynchronous user interfaces.
- Sass
- Less
- PostCSS
- Hover
- Purify - Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
- Gridly - The minimal (~157 bytes) grid system for modern browsers.
- RTLCSS - Framework for transforming Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from Left-To-Right (LTR) to Right-To-Left (RTL).
- Primer - The base coat of GitHub. Our internal CSS toolkit and guidelines.
- CSS Minifier - Online CSS Minifier/Compressor. Provides an API
- Babel
- Lodash
- Underscore
- Sugar
- Ramda
- Modernizer
- AlgebraJS - Build, display, and solve algebraic equations.
- CoffeeScript
- TypeScript
- Dart
- ClojureScript - Clojure to JS compiler
- Scala.js - Scala to JS compiler
- Clusterize.js - Plugin to display large data sets easily
- Is.js - Micro check library
- Nodemon - Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.
- Vinyl - Virtual file format.
- nvm - Node Version Manager
- Async - Async is a utility module which provide tools to work with synchronous javascript.
- q - Promises library.
- Express
- Koa
- Kracken
- Meteor
- Sails
- Eskimo
- LoopBack - LoopBack is an open source Node.js framework built on top of Express optimized for building APIs for mobile, web, and other devices.
- Request
- [SuperAgent] ( - SuperAgent is a small HTTP request library, working both on the server and in the browser.
- GraphQL - GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.
- GraphIQL - An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
- D3
- C3
- DC
- NVD3
- Chartist
- Crossfilter
- Plotly
- JSGraphs - JavaScript Graphing Library Comparison
- Leaflet - Mobile-friendly interactive maps
- morris.js
- ng2-charts - Beautiful charts for Angular2