In Market Analysis we build the basics tools that help us to predict the market by connect to MQL4 in a real time from other programing languge , create a dataset by pulling data from the market , Analysis the data using different Machine Learning techniques , and test it in MQL4 with real time trading.
Create a Dataset for any symbol in any period of time in Forex market that contain this Features.
We do it by pulling data from MQL4 in to our CSV file , the data is pulled using MQL4 build in functions that create our Features.
- Download the code in Dataset (here)
- Git in the code and write the number of bars you need.
- Run the script (Dataset) in any symbol and any period of time.
"OPEN","CLOSE","HIGH","LOW","VOLUME","MA","STO","FIBO","AC","BUL","ICCI","MACD","RSI","BEAR","AD","ATR","AO","MOM","OSMA","MARKET" open=OPEN(i); close=CLOSE(i); high=HIGH(i); low=LOW(i); volume=VOLUME(i); ma=movingaverge(i); sto=Stochastic(i); fibo=fibonacci(i); ac=AC(i); bul=BUL(i); ic=ICCI(i); macd=MACD(i); rsi=RSI(i); bear=BEAR(i); ad=AD(i); atr=ATR(i); ao=AO(i); mom=MOM(i); osma=OSMA(i); market=Market(i);
Different Machine Learning models that we used to learn from the Dataset.
- We build the the models in python using scikit-learn.
- It learn from our predefined Dataset.
- And save it after finsh traning in PKL file.
- After creating the Dataset copy the CSV file in to your python project.
- Download the code in ML-Models (here) in to your python project.
- Run the program and it will generate the PKL file.
Connect the strategy that has been developed in Python with MQL4 in a real time connection the structure has been developed by darwinex-labs you can see their project for installation and more information (here).
- We have modified the code that has been developed by darwinex-labs to suit us.
- The structure of the code has developed on Server/Client structure were MQL4-connector is the server and Python-connector is the client.
- We modifie it to receive market data from the server (MQL4) in a live time and predict in the client side (Python) by load the Machine Learning model from ML-models.
- Then if we got new prediction send order back to server to close the previous order and open a new order based on the new prediction.
MQL4-connector :(DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector_v2_0_1_RC8.mq4) the server.
Python-connector:( the client.
- Follow ZMQ installation steps in (here).
- Download the code in Connect (here).
- Generate the Dataset to use it in ML-Models(here).
- Generate the Model (here).
- Copy the PKL file in the same Python project of Connect code.
- Open MQL4 and any python IDE.
- Load MQL4-connector in MQL4.
- In Python IDE in console type the following in order:
_zmq = DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector(_SUB_PORT=32771)
Note: Make sure that you enable Auto Trading.
Tool that use to test the strategy that has been developed outside MQL4 in MQL4.
- The structure of Tester component is complicated because the strategy developed outside MQL4.
- And MQL4 cannot test any strategy developed out side MQL4.
- What we have done is that we connect from strategy tester in MQL4 with Python-Tester
- And save the prediction and the time in CSV file in a period of time.
- Then convert the file in to a common MQL4 file.
- And test it in MQL4.
MQL4-Tester :(DWX_ZeroMQ_Server_v2.0.1_RC8.mq4) the server.
Python-Tester:( the client.
- Follow ZMQ installation steps in (here).
- Download the code in Tester (here)
- Generate the Dataset (here) to use it in ML-Models.
- Generate the Model (here).
- Copy the PKL file in the same project of Tester code.
- Open MQL4 and any python IDE.
- Go to Python IDE in console type the following in order:
_zmq = DWX_ZeroMQ_Connector(_SUB_PORT=32771)
Load DWX_ZeroMQ_Server_v2.0.1_RC8.mq4 in MQL4 strategy tester.
Go to Python IDE in console type :
- After generate a CSV file copy the file in to MQL4 files directory.
- Load the converter script.
- Now test the stratgy by load DWX_ZeroMQ_tester2.mq4 in MQL4 strategy tester.
Note: The order is important.