First Voices Java Style Guide based on the Google Java Style Guide
: Checks based on the official Google Style Guidejava/intellij-java-fv-google-style.xml
: IntelliJ code style schema. Works with
: Eclipse code style configuration, works with Eclipse code formatter plugins
Download the xml file from
Under File->Settings -> Editor -> Code Style, click on the little gear next to Scheme. Click on import Scheme and select the file you donwloaded as the current code style for your project. Finish it off by clicking Apply.
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style. Click on Manage and import the downloaded file. Select FV_GoogleStyle
as new coding style.
Install the IntelliJ Checkstyle Plugin. It can be found via plug-in repository (Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories). Open the Settings. Go to Other Settings -> CheckStyle. Click on the plus and click "Use a checkstyle file accessible by HTTP". Paste the URL of the xml file:
. Name it FVCheckstyle
Download the xml file from the
. repo. Under Window/Preferences select Java/Code Style/Formatter. Import the settings file by selecting Import.
To enforce strict checkstyle rules, in the root pom.xml
of project, add the following plugin and execution configuration to <build>
These checkstyle rules act as a guideline for all developers on FirstVoices and similar products at FPCC. If a style does not suit your development needs, we encourage developers to contribute to the checkstyle rules by submitting a PR.
Note: Do this sparingly!
Check out the use of the supressionCommentFilter.
You can add comments to your code to turn off checkstyle (at various levels) and then back on again through the use of comments in your code. E.g.
public void someMethod(String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) {
Go to Settings->Editor->Copyright Profiles and add the new copyright profile from
. Name it, validate it and click Apply. Then go to Settings->Editor->Copyright and select newly entered profile as Default project copyright and click OK.
Then, under Editor -> Formatting, go through each language listed and click no copyright
except for Java. You will click Use default settings
for Java.