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Performance Tips

JonnyOThan edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 4 revisions

First, determine whether you are GPU-bound or CPU-bound. Open the windows task manager and look at the GPU load level while VR is active: image

If it's close to 100%, you are likely GPU-bound and you should remove visual mods and turn down graphics settings.

If the GPU load isn't close to 100, then you're likely CPU-bound. Some things you can try:

  • Make sure “legacy reprojection mode” is turned off in SteamVR settings
  • Open the settings.cfg file in the ksp directory and change PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT to 0.02
  • If you are using VesselViewer, change the latency mode to high or obscene by going to Other Configuration on the MFD
  • Install KSP Community Fixes
  • Play on a fresh save, or remove unneeded vessels and debris
  • Remove any graphics mods
  • Uninstall any non-essential mods. The following are known to have a significant cpu performance impact:
    • FAR
    • RocketSoundEnhancement
    • MAS
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