- opencv + opencv_contrib
- Python 3.8.0
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- GStreamer 1.14.5
- CUDA 10.2
- NVIDIA GPU arch: 30 35 37 50 52 60 61 70 75
- CUDA_ARCH_PTX = 75 ( The container does not work with NVIDIA Ampere GPUs
. For RTX 30 series, please see this new repo) - cuDNN: 7.6.5
- OpenCL
- Qt5::OpenGL 5.9.5
- Intel IPP and TBB
Pull the image from here :
- https://hub.docker.com/u/fizmath
$ docker pull fizmath/gpu-opencv:latest
With GPU
You need to install NVIDIA Container Toolkit on your machine. Run the container by this command :
$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm fizmath/gpu-opencv:latest root@22067ad0cc87:/myapp#
With CPU :
If no GPU available on your machine, yet you can use the container with Docker
$ docker run -it --rm fizmath/gpu-opencv:latest root@cc00562d816e:/myapp#
for running the example
files in this repo with CPU you should comment these two lines :net.setPreferableBackend(cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_CUDA) net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CUDA)
Download this repo . The pretrained models are included, but you just need to download one of them yolov4.weights. And also no arg-parsing for the simplicity
Unzip and set its directory in your machine as your docker volume :
$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v <your volume dir>:/myapp fizmath/gpu-opencv:latest root@771c5bcb2895:/myapp# ls Dockerfile YOLOv4_cam.py face_SSD.py model_SSD model_YOLOv4 README.md cv2_info.py golden_axe.png model_SURE super_resolution.py
Print out OpenCV build info into a textfile, check out the produced output in your volume :
root@771c5bcb2895:/myapp# python3 cv2_info.py
Image Super-Resolution with OpenCV, Cuda and Docker : the included image, a SR image
will be produced in your volume by the following command :
root@771c5bcb2895:/myapp# python3 super_resolution.py
compare both images visually. If you run out of GPU memory , make inference by your CPU cores ; see the .py file.
For the next two examples, you need to include these commands to docker run :
-e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY : this sends the display id from your machine to the container.
--device="/dev/video0:/dev/video0" : this lets the container find the camera.
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw : this lets the container find the display via X server. In order to display the GUI with Docker, the X client in the Docker container needs to communicate with the host X server.
Note that I tested the above commands in UBUNTU. These may differ in other systems.
Real-time face detection with OpenCV DNN, GStreamer, CUDA and Docker : . Before running the container type in your CMD :
$ xhost + access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
which allows the user to access the running X server. After being done with the examples type
xhost -
for the sake of security$ docker run --gpus all --rm -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v <volume dir>:/myapp -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw --device="/dev/video0:/dev/video0" fizmath/gpu-opencv:latest root@1be1f7efabf9:/myapp# python3 face_SSD.py
I drew encircling ellipses instead of the common face bounding boxes . Click
to terminate the session. -
Real-time object detection with YOLO v4, GStreamer, CUDA and Docker. First download yolov4.weights and put it in it's folder. Following from the above:
root@1be1f7efabf9:/myapp# python3 YOLOv4_cam.py
bring some objects from this list in front of your camera.
Type into the container's shell :
root@1be1f7efabf9:/myapp# gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
then a GStreamer hello world window pops up . See the documentation.
Export OpenCV Log Levels or GStreamer Debug Levels into our container's shell . For example:
root@1be1f7efabf9:/myapp# export OPENCV_LOG_LEVEL=INFO
root@1be1f7efabf9:/myapp# export GST_DEBUG=2
then run one of the examples and browse the output.
The Dockerfile culprit for the image may not have a perfect structure . It is just my own assembly. You may modify, upgrade and build a proper one for your requirements :
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t <name>:<tag> .
It won't be that straight-forward, you will get some deprecation warnings and compatibility issues.
To keep the image light-weight and compatible with old GPU architectures SM_30 , SM_35 , SM_37
I implanted 10.2-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04
as base
image .