If you're interested in developing server side Fabric mods, check out the Fabric Server-side Development Discord server, and submit a Pull Request if you find a server side Fabric mod not listed here.
Also see Optifine alternatives on Fabric for a few useful client side only mods!
Mods on this list are marked as outdated when they are two major Minecraft versions old - e.g. if 1.16 is the latest version, 1.14 and older mods are considered outdated.
- Phosphor
- Lithium
- Fast Furnace for Fabric
- RandomPatches
- Carpet
- Krypton
- Starlight
- LazyDFU
- Hydrogen (experimental)
- FerriteCore
- Recipe Cache
- hopperOptimizations (requires lithium fork)
- Very Many Players (Fabric) (experimental)
These mods make significant changes that may impact behaviour in-game, or reduce the work done (e.g. ticking, chunk loading) by the server. Technical servers may not want to use these.
- World Specific View Distance
- Custom Item Range Combination
- Alternate Current
- TickTools
- Tic-TACS (experimental, abandoned)
- C2ME (experimental)
- DimensionalThreading (experimental)
- ServerCore
- Ksyxis
- Overworld Two
- Entity View Distance
- Dispenser Portal Fix or DFASCF (fixed by 1.16.5)
- Carpet
- Carpet Extra
- Dimension Mutability (untested)
- Carpet TIS Addition
- MC-198678 Fix (fixed by 1.16.3)
- Wither Cage Fix
- Fabrication
- Dimension Update Fixer
- Keep Head Names
- Head Name Fix
- WorldBorderFix
- FabricCrossDimTPFix
- Illegal Stack Fixer
- Chunk Saving Fix
- TimeOut Out
- Boat Fall
- AntiShulkerDupe
- MC-7569 Fix
- Couplings (works best with client mod installed)
- ChestRefill (CurseForge)
- SimpleHarvest (updated fork SimplerHarvest)
- Simple Right Click Harvest
- Better Signs & Frames
- Baila
- Suitably Stackable Stew
- I Am Very Smart
- Monsters in the Closet
- Crowmap (untested)
- Creative One-Punch
- Clumps
- HealthCare
- Lakotnik - Hunger Preview (Modrinth)
- Playtime Tracker
- EditSign
- Egg Of Capitalism
- Easy Painter
- Polydex
- MAmbience (with resource pack)
- Villager Names (untested)
- Immersive Cursedness
- Invisible Armor Stands
- Server Hats
- simplehat
- Hat command
- Leaf Decay
- Leaf Me Alone
- Fabric Tree Chopper
- Trees Do Not Float
- Falling Tree
- FastDecay
- TreeFeller
- Tree Felling
- SleepWarp
- BetterSleeping
- BetterSleeping Revived
- Hypnos
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- BetterSleepPlus
- SleepPunisher
- Day Dream
- Better Respawn (untested)
- Lucid
- Lucid-lite
- Wake Up
- Better Safe Bed
- Freedom of Insomnia
- Bed Benefits
- Keep The Rain
- CombatEdit
- Headshot
- YouCantDamageMe
- PvP toggle
- AttackSpeedPlus
- Axes Are Weapons
- Perfect Accuracy
- FabricPvP
- Infinity Fix
- Snowballs Hit Players
- Snowball and Egg Knockback
- You can't damage me!
- Freezma
- Set Bonuses
- LifeSteal
- Expanded Axe Enchanting
- Expanded Armor Enchanting
- Expanded Weapon Enchanting
- Expanded Trident Enchanting
- Better Than Mending
- Unbreakable Enchantment
- Grind Enchantments
- High Level Enchants
- Disable Riptide
- Overpowered Mending
- Feather Fall Flying
- Better Impaling
- Sharpness VI
- Environmental Creepers
- No Ambient Mobs
- MobCapped
- Daylight Mobs
- Daylight Mobs Reborn
- Beacons For All
- Steed Stopper
- No Striders
- Farsighted Mobs
- Custom Spawns
- Always Drop Loot
- playerless
- Project: Save the Pets!
- Less Annoying Piglins (untested)
- The Loved Ones
- Pigless Portals
- Chicken Nerf
- Camp Fires Cook Mobs
- Custom Piglin Bartering
- Peaceful Skeletons
- Mob Blindness
- Creepers Burn
- FabricNoMobGrief
- Per Player Spawns
- Proper Mobcap Modifier
- BetterLeads
- No Creeper Holes!
- Apathy
- Horse Stonks
- Mob Rebirth
- Hauling Hogs
- Stop Strider Suffering
- Endermen are Friends
- Unsaddle Pigs
- Mobs Attempt Parkour
- Neutral Animals
- Neutral Mobs
- Farmable Shulkers
- Fishy Bears
- Mob proof crystals
- Independent Pets
- Fatal Blow
- mobgrief
- More Mob Drops
- No More Bleeding Sheep
- No Angy Fwom Looky Wooky UwU
- Damage Incorporated
- Mob Spawning Light Level
- FabricHealthDisplay
- Wrangler
- Horse Buff
- Random Wool Sheep Drop
- Epic Horse Breed
- Creeper AI Updated
- No Mob Farms
- Mob Filter
- Improved Mobs
- Advanced Golems
- VillagerFix
- InfiniteVillagerTrading
- Economical Villager Trading
- SimpleVillagers (modrinth)
- Hungy Villager
- Villager See, Villager Do
- Wandering Collector
- Villagers Follow Emeralds
- VillagerTradeFix
- Roundaround's Villager Converting
- Zombify
- Fluid Physics
- Realistic Fire Spread
- Carpet
- Carpet Extra
- Carpet TIS Addition
- MaskOfLoki's Fabric Tweaks (outdated)
- Anvil Fix (works best with client mod installed)
- Piston Control (works best with client mod installed)
- Unlimited Dragon Eggs
- Push To Craft
- Lengthy Ladders
- Lapis Reserve
- persistent entities
- Fence Player Upper
- Bedrock Blocks
- Lid Space
- TickTock
- Experience Beacons for Carpet
- Fabrication
- Instant Fertilization
- Silky Spawners
- Lightning Prevention
- Fire's Survival Tweaks
- SlipperyWalls
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- Dispenser Configurator
- Mini Tweaks
- No Sneaking Over Magma!
- Blastproof Netherite (untested)
- Bed Stability (untested)
- Discerning Furnace
- Limited Spawner (untested)
- Trample Stopper
- Drop Spread
- Burninator
- TrampleDisabler
- Make Every Biome Spawnable Lol
- Falling Block Tweaks
- Block Physics
- Context-Specific Immunity
- QuickCarpet
- Disable Portals
- Spawner Config
- Bedrock Destroyer
- ParadoxSlabs
- Powershot
- Better Beacon
- Spice of Fabric
- No Teleport Cooldown
- Difficulty Tweaker
- Better Nether Map
- Grindstone Is Made Of Stone
- Scaffold Forever
- Oak's Seed Drops Mod
- Sticky Elytra
- No Cap
- GolemF
- IceBoatF
- Delayed Respawn
- Piston push limit
- Interdimensional Map Markers
- Better Moss IMO
- Offline Daytime
- FilledToTheBrim
- Replant Swamp Trees
- Silky hands
- Horizonal Portals
- Cooperative Advancements
- Anvil Crush
- DeepslateGenerator
- Hardened Crops
- Copper Hopper
- Flora Doubling
- Carpet
- Carpet Extra
- Carpet TIS Addition
- Carpet EssentialsAddons (untested)
- VanillaEndervators (outdated)
- FastGrowth
- Dance of Growth
- Chain Suspension
- Harmful Stonecutters
- Splash Concrete
- Imbued Torches
- Punch2Prime
- Olifantenpad (abandoned)
- Fabrication
- Unforgiving Void
- Pisces
- Fire's Survival Tweaks
- Home Camp
- Gentle Picking (untested)
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- Snowy
- Infinity Water Bucket
- Ghastly Wail
- StitchedSnow
- Notchify
- Compostable Rotten Flesh
- QuickCarpet
- SlimyFloor
- PlayerPig
- FabricSit
- Extension
- Vanessence
- No More Magic Milk
- Victorian Gewgaws
- Snow Under Trees
- ServShred
- Strains of Ascension
- Mechanical Factory
- Server Backpacks
- JankAddons
- Snowy Trees
- Waystones (Polymer Port)
- Logical Recipes
- NBT Crafting
- Anvil Crushing Recipes
- Craftable Enchanted Golden Apple
- Rotten Flesh to Feather
- Glowing Potion
- Gimme bundles!
- DeepslateCutting Fabric
- Recipe Reshaper
- VanillaDeathChest
- Ueaj's Graves
- Universal Graves
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- Lenient Death
- Working Graves
- Configured Keep Inventory
- keepinventory-command
- Conditional Keep Inventory
- Don't Do Death Despawn
- Aliases
- simplechat. (outdated)
- Text Coloriser Plugin
- MaskOfLoki's Fabric Tweaks (outdated)
- pride (outdated)
- Handy Structures
- Impersonate
- Player Roles
- Rich Chat
- SetPlayerData
- FabricTailor
- Gestus
- Image2Map
- Chat History
- Command Aliases
- Drogtor the Nickinator
- Hewo
- Fabrication
- Walaryne's Fly Mod
- ItemFlexer
- Tagboard
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- Connected
- Wires (previously Server Simplified)
- GlobalSpawn
- Vanish
- Personal Spaces (abandoned)
- Chat+
- Block Quantity Scanner
- Who's pet is this?
- TabTPS
- DisguiseLib
- GraphiX
- Pingspam
- Roll
- Slapmap (updated fork of original)
- Armor Stand Editor
- Mods Command
- Mod Info Command
- Cyan
- Command Alias Creator
- Default Spawn Points
- EqualNBT
- MobDisguises
- Fabric Death Messages
- SimpleChat - Chat mod for Fabric servers
- Head Index
- More Commands Mod
- Extension
- Styled Chat
- Essential Commands
- capit_alists' gameplay commands
- Player Pronouns
- Editable Player NBT Hack
- Damage Function
- Styled Nicknames
- Kanaify
- Json Chat Mod
- Girlbossed
- slashdiscord
- Server Chat History
- Custom Commands
- Slime
- Regional Chat
- Random Teleport
- FabriKommander
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- FabricTPA
- FabricWarps
- FabricHomes
- The Warp Mod
- CyanSetHome
- Lapis Warps
- SimpleHomes
- Interdimensional
- Homabric
- RandomTP
- QuickHomes
- QuickTeleports
- Flan
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- Leukocyte
- Hey That's Mine
- BineClaims
- Factions
- SpawnProtectionTweaks
- Get Off My Lawn ReServed
- Lootstrap
- SimpleServerSorter
- Game Start
- Starting Notes
- Configured Keep Inventory
- Inv View
- keepinventory-command
- InvSync
- Inventory Sorting
- GVault (CurseForge)
- Kits
- Conditional Keep Inventory
- RenameIt
- Better Keepinventory
- PathWatcher (outdated)
- Badlion Client Disabler
- ModUpdater
- DynRes
- Username Remap
- Erroring Entity Remover
- Servux
- ReloadAnnouncer
- TellMe
- Fabric-Votifier
- Wires (previously Server Simplified)
- TBPlugin
- BanHammer
- Defibrillator
- server-launcher and restarter
- FabricExporter
- Scarpet Os Utils
- Fabric Restart
- Holograms
- Autocomplete Command Blacklist
- Gastrolimital Bypass
- FlashFreeze
- Fabrilous Updater
- Semblance
- ServerStop
- BrandBlock
- Progression
- UPeeNPiss
- Action Inventory Mod
- Gamerulify
- Reload server.properties
- Never Tick Alone
- I'm Here Get Moving
- Fuck NameMC
- FabricSQLWhitelister
- GeyserSkinManager Fabric
- Version Mod Loader
- Enforce Gamemode
- Anonymize
- JLine for Dedicated Server
- Fabric Console
- Shut Up Console
- Clean Logs (fork of Shut Up Console)
- Translated Server Log
- mclo.gs
- Not Enough Crashes
- BadStdOut
- Cyanide
- Ledger (supersedes DeltaLogger)
- DeltaLogger (supersedes WatchTower and BlockLogger)
- Sewing Machine Utilities
- CommandSpy
- Ban Trigger
- Ore-Readout
- Player Roles
- TeamPerms
- Wires (previously Server Simplified)
- LuckPerms
- Better Op
- CrossStitch
- Fabric Forwarding
- Trampoline
- FabricProxy-Lite (supersedes FabricProxy)
- Fabric-Discord Link
- Interweave
- ModFest Utilities
- DatChat (outdated)
- DisFabric
- Discord-Fabric Link
- Discord Fabric Whitelister
- TomsServerUtils
- DiscordMinecraftFabric (discontinued)
- BlockBot
- Discord Integration Fabric
- MCDiscordChat
- QChatLink
- Stream Participation (links bit donations to mcfunctions)
- BattleMod
- Nucleoid
- Manhunt
- SoulSplit (ThirdLife)
- Solar Apocalypse: Refabricated
- Fabric Observer Gamemode
- Factions
- Server Side Tetris
- Chest Games
- Minecraft Manhunt
- Level = Border
- Gamemodes
- Simplex Terrain Generation
- Cave Biomes
- Survival Island
- Smooth Bedrock (<=1.16.1) (outdated)
- Smooth Bedrock (>=1.16.2) (untested) (no longer maintained)
- Repurposed Structures (i18n doesn't work)
- NoWaterCaves
- No Lakes
- Climatic World Type (untested)
- Lakeside
- Vanilla+ Biomes (incorrect biome colors when not on client)
- Smoother Bedrock
- YUNG's Better Caves
- Wool Temples
- Modern Beta
- Classic Beaches
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts
- Mo' Structures
- Upstream (untested)
- SecureSeed
- Terra
- Structure World
- Tatters Skyblock
- Stoneholm
- YUNG's Better Strongholds
- Struct Plus
- SmoothBedrock By Blayyke
- Swamp Oak Redux
- Simply Improved Terrain
- Castle Dungeons
- Cavenabler
- Stonevaults, Dungeons & Towers
- When Dungeons Arise
- Terralith ~ Overworld Evolved
- ProtoSky
- Better Moss IMO
- SpaghettiTrees
- Sky Villages
- Yeet The Tall Grass!