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Flexible Engine RDS Terraform Module

Terraform module which creates RDS on Flexible Engine. Available datastore are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLServer

More details about supported version in followed link

TF version : 0.13

Usage : Terraform

module "rds" {	
  source = "FlexibleEngineCloud/rds/flexibleengine"	
  version = "2.1.5"	
  vpc_name    = "vpc-main"	
  subnet_name = "subnet-cce"	
  db_type             = "MySQL"	
  db_version          = "5.6.35"	
  db_flavor           = "rds.mysql.s1.medium"	
  db_sg               = "sg-test-rds"	
  db_tcp_port         = "8635"	
  db_backup_starttime = "08:00-09:00"	
  db_backup_keepdays  = 4	
  db_root_password    = "FooBarPasswd1234!"	
  rds_ha_enable       = false	
  rds_ha_replicamode  = "async"	
  rds_instance_name        = "rds_mysql_foo"	
  rds_instance_volume_type = "COMMON"	
  rds_instance_volume_size = 100	
  rds_instance_az          = ["eu-west-0a"]	

Usage : Terragrunt

### Terragrunt Configuration ###	
terraform {	
  source = "FlexibleEngineCloud/rds/flexibleengine"	
  version = "2.1.5"	
include {	
  path = find_in_parent_folders()	
### Parameters ###	
inputs = {	
    vpc_name    = "vpc-main"	
    subnet_name = "subnet-cce"	
    db_type             = "MySQL"	
    db_version          = "5.6.35"	
    db_flavor           = "rds.mysql.s1.medium"	
    db_sg               = "sg-test-rds"	
    db_tcp_port         = "8635"	
    db_backup_starttime = "08:00-09:00"	
    db_backup_keepdays  = 4	
    db_root_password    = "FooBarPasswd1234!"	
    rds_ha_enable       = false	
    rds_ha_replicamode  = "async"	
    rds_instance_name        = "rds_mysql_foo"	
    rds_instance_volume_type = "COMMON"	
    rds_instance_volume_size = 100	
    rds_instance_az          = ["eu-west-0a"]	

Databases HA flavor

If you are using an RDS in HA mode, you must add ".ha" to your flavor.

Exemple : if you are using the flavor rds.mysql.s1.medium, the HA flavor is rds.mysql.s1.medium.ha

Refer to the FE RDS Documentation


Name Description Type Default Required
db_backup_keepdays keep days of database backup number 3 no
db_backup_starttime start time of database backup (Exemple : 08:00-09:00) string "01:00-02:00" no
db_flavor Flavor of database. Check Terraform and FE documentation to get flavor list string "" no
db_root_password root password of RDS string "" no
secgroup_id Security group id to use for RDS string "" no
db_tcp_port TCP port of database string "" no
db_type Type of database. Can be MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer string "" no
db_version Version of database. Check Terraform and FE documentation to get version list string "" no
rds_ha_enable To enable HA of RDS bool false no
rds_ha_replicamode To enable HA of RDS string "" no
rds_instance_az Availability zones of RDS instance (Multiple AZ must be specified if you are using HA) list(string)
rds_instance_name name of RDS instances string "" no
rds_instance_volume_encryption_id KMS Key id for encryption string null no
rds_instance_volume_size Volume size of instances number 0 no
rds_instance_volume_type Volume type of instances string "COMMON" no
rds_parametergroup_values Map of the values of the parameter group map(string) {} no
rds_read_replicat_list n/a
name = string
flavor = string
availability_zone = string
volume_type = string
disk_encryption_id = string
n/a yes
subnet_id ID of the subnet string "" no
vpc_id ID of the VPC string null no


Name Description
id Instance id
nodes List of RDS nodes
private_ips Private IP address list of nodes
public_ips Public IP address list of nodes


Terraform module which creates RDS resources on Flexible Engine








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