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Top Screen HTML

james edited this page Aug 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Top Screen Elements

All of these need to be inside the <fix></fix> element in order for them to display.

Flipnote Player

To play a Flipnote on the top screen, kwplayer is used alongside kwpreloadmemo. To my understanding, kwpreloadmemo will ensure that the Flipnote is loaded before the page is shown to the user.

<kwpreloadmemo src="" srctype="get_kwz">

The player controls on bottom screen can be hidden by giving the menu="off" attribute to kwplayer.



Displays an image referenced with the attribute src, the image should be 400 x 240 pix; the same resolution as the 3DS top screen. The value of the z attribute is the 3D depth of the image plane.

<kwheadwallpaper src="" z="0">


Same as kwheadwallpaper, but displays a stereographic 3D image. Rather than src, use left_src to reference the left eye image and right_src for the right eye image.


Draw an image of any size at position x, y. Note: the origin point of the image is the centre.

<kwheadimage x="10" y="10" src="">



Draw text at position x and y. Note: the origin point of the textbox is the centre.

Use &ln; for a newline.

Also, it seems that these can be selected in CSS by adding a class.

For example, this textbox will be in the centre of the screen and have white text:

<kwheadtextbox x="200" y="140" align="center" color="#FFFFFF" size="24" z="0" text="IM A TEXTBOX" valign="center">