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Bot Getting Started

Phil edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 7 revisions

Getting started

This guide explains how to first set up the bot.


1. ToS and Privacy Policy

By using our Services, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before adding the bot.

2. Adding the Bot

You can add the bot with this link.

The bot comes with its own role. Please do not temper with it unless told to with future updates. This may impact the usability of the bot.

3. Setting up the channels and roles

For the bot to work properly, we need to tell it, where to log new members and what server role belongs to the team. When you got the information, fill it into the command below and run it in any channel.

Please note that the channel needs to be visible for the bot to see and the team role needs to exist.

/guild setup <logChannelID> <teamRoleID>

After you run the command you need to confirm the Terms of Service.

4. ?????

Wait for the bot to register your server (shouldn't take long).

5. PROFIT!!!!

You should be greeted with a message, that the bot is now up and running.