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Whilst working with typescript for a while now I found that most examples on the web are still for node.js with plain JavaScript. Especially when it comes to a full template example with latest versions of used tools like eslint instead of still using deprected tslint and so on. So I thought it might be a good idea to make an up-to-date service boilerplate including:

  • NO dependencies like grunt or gulp needed. Of course they're usefull for bigger projects but usually it's really bloating dependencies.
  • Mocha + chai + nyc for proper code coverage on tests
  • tslint + sonarts + proper tsconfig (es2020) based upon nodejs LTS 14.x *without opinionated formatters like prettier whilst still having most features covered that are not opnionated and make clean git histories
  • Out of the box VsCode config for debugging app + tests no matter where with proper sourcemaps
  • Multi stage docker build
  • All type infos needed as well
  • Fastify with native async await in Typescript, including mocked / stubbed and spy tests as well as using inject to test the calls
  • Sinon for mocking / stubbing

The biggest challenge was trying to make code coverage work without ts-node which unfortunately wasn't really possible. It kindof worked but did not track any files that were not called in any test counteracting the purpose of finding uncovered code. So this template uses ts-node for all test execution and a transpiled build (no ts-node hence for "prod") to run the app.

I probably added way more docs and references than needed but maybe it will help someone new to the topic at some point in the future! :)


Linting and code quality settings


  • Linting uses eslint with no legacy settings
  • Also incorporates sonarts for style checks
  • No prettier needed (I really don't like its opinionated settings)

Files defining all rules:

Key rules apply:

  • Eslint + sonarts recommended as base
  • No unused variables also enforced on tsc as proposed since wuite som time by linters
  • Only double quotes for regular strings (template strings supported of course). I don't like the PHP heritage of node.js single quotes ;)
  • Braces enforced except one liners
  • Trailing comma enforced (clean git history)
  • No trailing spaces (clean git history)
  • Semicolon required (to avoid unintended implicit semi issues)
  • Consistent indent (4 spaces for me, I got big monitors)


Regular test execution:

npm i
npm test
  • Uses mocha + chai
  • Tests can be put anywhere in src if you name the files *.test.ts
  • Theres also a test directory which you can use for any kind of integration tests or whatever you desire. All files in hee are incorporated no matter the name.

Mocha config is found in .mocharc.yml whereas the sources are specified by location (like launch.json for vscode selects individual files)


Defined in .nycrc.yml + additional call arguments for mocha in package.json specifcally --require ts-node/register --require source-map-support/register --recursive.

  • Uses nyc + mocha + ts-node
    • I made it technically work without ts-node but it will never cover uncalled files which counters the purpose)
  • From what I can tell coverage was accurate (I followed many many many posts on stackoverflow and on nyc for checking all options). The now applied once are result of many bugs (they updated docs) and I had no issues anymore.

Debugging tests

Defined in launch.json

  • Test execution use ts-node
  • Test debugging preconfigured for VsCode
    • All tests (Mocha all)
    • Current file (works on all files no matter where on the tree as long as thers mocha tests in it)

Build and execution

Defined package.json

npm i
npm start
  • The build is out of source and only for actual sources
  • Not using ts-node (actually transpile with tsc)
  • Sources are put into build
  • Clean build everytime

Running and debugging the app itself

Defined in launch.json

  • Always uses the transpiled source in build
  • Ready VsCode configuration as well
  • Sourcemaps of course configured and working


Defined in Dockerfile The image is built to run rootless. Refer to:

npm i
npm run docker
  • Multi stage docker build
  • Does run all linting + tests + build
  • Uses the transpiled source


Theres some more useful commands you can use:

# just linting
npm run lint

# clean generated stuff
npm run clean

# clean all including node_modules etc
npm run purge


This is a part time hobby project. Feel free to use / expand and create PR's extend docs / examples whatever.