Source For Sale
- Open Config.json and set game_version.
- Open API INFO.txt and setup your
- When you have that done open WithdrawBot.exe copy your api which is and paste it in google or any browser you use.
- The bot should connect i got Withdraw Bot that supports socks5 if you got shadow banned dm in on discord real_modiz and ill give you the one that supports socks5.
- How the save world should look like (Doesn't matter where you place it):
- Check if the game_version matches with the rgt version in the api and config.json
- Check if WithdrawBot.exe has access to firewall 5411 port.
- When you'll use api in any browser it will bring the bot into the save world and get the wls/dls from the api (DLAmount=0&WLAmount=0) and then it will take the amount that was written in the api and then when you'll use it will go to the world (BotWorld=) and drop the wls/dls if the players name matches with the one in (RGTGrowID=). (1st safe vault is for bgls/dls/, 2nd safe vault is for wls)