A simple porject to fetch, save, and send IMDb data.
- PO: Mohammad Mahdi Moghaddam, Arshia Harati
- PM: Reza Emadi
- UI/UX: Soheil Khanjani
- Front-End: Amir Mohammad Ghazanfari, Nima Malakootikhah
- Back-End: Amir Ali Mahmoudi
- QA/QC: Mohammad Reza Heydari
- [post]api/login((username | email) as username, password) => (token, name, username, email)
- [post]api/register(name, username, email, password) => (token)
- [post]api/auth() => (name, username, email)
- [patch]api/change_name(, name) => (response code 200)
- [patch]api/change_username(, username) => (response code 200)
- [patch]api/change_email(, email) => (response code 200)
- [patch]api/change_password(, old_password, new_password) => (response code 200)
- [delete]api/logout() => (response code 200)
- [get]api/favorites() => ((id, title, avatar)[])
- [delete]api/favorites/{movie}() => (response code 200)
- [post]api/favorites/{movie}() => (response code 200)
- [get]api/top_week => ((id, title, description, thumbnail)[])
- [get]api/best_movie => (id, title, genre[], imdb_rate, avatar)
- [get]api/top_movies => ((id, title, avatar)[])
- [get]api/movies(title?, year?, genre?) => ((id, title, avatar, year, imdb_rate)[])
- [get]api/movies/{movie} => (title, description, avatar, thumbnails[], genres[], year, duration, imdb_rate, rate, rank, director, actors)
- [get]api/movies/{movie}/rate() => (<float(1.0-10.0)>)
- [post]api/movies/{movie}/rate(, rate<float(1.0-10.0)>) => (response code 200)
- [get]api/movies/{movie}/comments => ([author, rate, time, content])
- [post]api/movies/{movie}/comments(, content) => (response code 200)