Used to keep track of Group 10 events. Check out our Website.
- Discussed UI Design with Figma
- Discussed presenting the Your-Destini Flutter app at the Mass meeting
- Discussed the creation of a email client
- Checked who did the homework regarding learning Figma and Bloc.
- Tragikomedes did a presentation regarding the testing for Your-Destini
- Decided to build a futuristic messenger(Punk Messenger App).
- Decided to add 'MiCards' for each developer on the Github Pages.
- We have one week to come up with a good Team Name. Example of a cool team Name - Team 4 Star.
- Hans will do a presentation at the next Mass Meeting. If you are willing to do a presentaton let us know.
- Grayson will organise his AR app idwa which we will then work on.
- Question: What does Success look like to you?
- The decision was made to do an introductory course on Github in order for the team to use 'clean coding guidelines'.
- Research responsive layouts then talk about your findings at the next meeting.
- Members can write an article on our Github pages Website.
- Discuss homework
- Talk about the Punk Messenger App- How far can we push the design? What extra features would you want to see?
- Discuss responsive design.
- Practice Code reviews.
- Who created their Mi-cards. Discuss the Mi-Cards.
- General Discussion.
- Discuss future projects.
- Started Discussions around the Punk Messenger App.
- It was decided that the Punk Messenger app will mainly be for Desktop and Mobile.
- A post regarding how to handle secrets will be done by Hans.
- Homework was discussed.
- Remember to do your Mi-Cards 😁.
- Grayson will prepare a presentation regarding the work done on his project.
- New member introduced Codeek.
- Still trying to come up with a group name.
- Members were encouraged to contribute to the projects happening in the server.
- I am considering we make a game in the future🤔.
- Discussed adding Mi-Cards to the Community App
- General Discussion around the Team and moving forward.
- Checked Homework
- Discussed the server community App🚄 .
- Planned a group bonding activity (Among Us)🎮 .
- Suggestions to make an app that we can publish on the play store🏬 .
- Homework discussion🤓.
- New goals and deadlines need to be properly set up in order to ensure execution🌊.
- Team name StoneCode⚡.
- Discussed the server community App🚄 .
- Homework discussion🤓.
- Punk Messenger discussion.
- Ended meeting early to attend Monthly Mass Meeting
- Discussed the server community App🚄 .
- Homework discussion🤓.
- Nim displayed the app he was working on.
- Punk Messenger discussion