www.flyingpad.be (Satellit Case Study)
- Structure: Clean Architecture
- ORM: EF Core
- Libraries: MediatR, AutoMapper, Fluent Validation
- Design Patterns: Repository, etc.
- CQS: Command & Query Segregation
- GIT Strategy
- CI-CD:
files - Docker Containers & Kubernetes Orchestration
- Micro-Services / BFF: Explore Potential
- Design: Complete Custom Design using SCSS
- API Communication: RxJS & Signal
Since I'm already using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind, and Angular Material in other projects, I wanted to write my own CSS in this one. I think it's a great way to exercise and discover new CSS properties.
: Incorporates "normalize.css v8.0.1" (from [github.com/necolas/normalize.css])02_global_variables.scss
: Contains global variables for the entire project (planned for future theming)03_global_settings.scss
: Basic global CSS configurations (html, body, etc.)
:npm install jwt-decode
:npm install ngx-pagination
- npmjs.com/package/ngx-paginationngx-toaster
:npm install ngx-toastr
:npm install ngx-cookie-service