Tracker for summer 2024 self-study for winter/summer 2025 recruiting
Leetcode Medium/Hard x ~50-100
OSTEP ch. 1 → ch. 30
Akuna Options 101: 1% → 22%
Computer Networking: page 1 → page 118
Leetcode Medium x2
Computer Networking: page 118 → 218
Leetcode Hard: x1
OSTEP Exercises: 5.1-5.3
Networking Exercises: UDP Client/Server Demo
C++: Square Root Decomposition (Range-Sum), Factorial Template Metaprogramming
OSTEP Exercises: 5.4-5.8
Leetcode Hard x1
Akuna Options 22% → 38%
OSTEP re-reading: ch. 7 - 9 (Scheduling)
C++: Fenwick Tree
Leetcode Medium x4 (Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra, Trees)
OSTEP: ch. 10 (Multiprocessor Scheduling) AS
OSTEP review: ch 11 - 14
OSTEP exercises: 14.1 - 14.7
Leetcode Hard x1, Medium x1 (Both Greedy)
Jane Street Figgie Card Game x 30 mins
Computer Networking: 218 → 278 (TCP/UDP)
Leetcode Medium x2
Computer Networking re-read: 218 → 278 (Transport Layer, TCP, UDP)
Computer Networking: 278 → 380 (Network Data Plane, Router I/O, IP)
Leetcode Hard x1, Medium x1
Computer Networking: 380 → 420 (Generalized Forwarding, SDNs, IP)
Codeforces Huawei Challenge: Accuracy-Preserving Summation Algorithm (#248 / 1155)
Leetcode Medium x3
Codeforces Round 944 (Div. 4) (4/8 solved)
The Linux Command Line: pages 1-111
Leetcode Biweekly Contest 130 (3/4 solved,)
Leetcode Hard x1
Watched: Codeforces Round 944: Solution Video
OSTEP review: ch 25 - 28 (Mutexes)
Leetcode Weekly Contest 397 (top 3% finish)
Leetcode Easy x1
OSTEP review: ch 29 (concurrent data structures)
Mother's Day + Break Day :)
Leetcode Easy x1, Medium x1, Hard x1
Started on USACO guide - Silver ( (Doing problems from there) --> 2x Prefix Sum Questions, Currently reading about Coordinate Compression
Leetcode Medium x1
USACO: Coordinate Compression, Two Pointers, Sorted Sets, Multisets, Custom Comparators, Greedy Algorithms with Sorting
Computer Architecture: A quantitative approach: Skimmed ch. 1
Leetcode Medium x1
USACO: Binary Search on Arbitrary Monotonic Functions, Graph Traversal, Kosuraja's Algorithm
Leetcode Medium x1
USACO: Binary Search, Graph Traversal
IMC Launchpad Day 1
IMC Launchpad Day 2
USACO: Graph Traversal, Flood Fill, Trees
Leetcode Weekly Contest #398 (4/4 solved)
Leetcode Hard x1
Break Day #2
Codeforces Div 3 Contest (4/7 solved)
Leetcode Easy x1 (intro bitmasking)
Resume work
USACO: Bitmasking
Leetcode x1
USACO: Bitmasking, Segment Trees, Euler Tours
Leetcode x1
USACO: SIlver Misc. (Binary Search, Prefix Sums, Sorting)i
Leetcode x1
USACO: Silver Misc. (Binary Search, Sorting, Dynamic Programming)
Leetcode x1
Rust basics (Internship prep) (
USACO: Knapsack DP
Leetcode x1
USACO: Seg tree variation questions
Leetcode Weekly Contest
Leetcode x 1
System Design Interview: Alex Yu (added to repo)
Reread: Computing Networking (IPv4 section 4.3)
Leetcode x1
System Design Interview: Alex Yu
Leetcode x1
System Design Interview: Alex Yu
Leetcode x1
System Design Interview: Alex Yu
Leetcode x1
New Project: Custom Unix Shell in C. Progress: read_line
implemented in C.
USACO: Divisbiility / Primes
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
I stopped live uploading. Here's my suggestion:
- Always do the LC of the day if its a medium or hard.
- Try to do CF and LC contests if you have time and are free.
- Work through and problems.
- Read OSTEP, Networking, linux, and language trivia.