Library created by Michael Riad Zaky (2020), with Daniel Leeds, Gary Weiss, Mavis Zhang at Fordham University. Library free for use provided you cite in any resulting publications. Library free for redistribution provided you retain the author attributions above.
New: more details as well as a GUI for the library can be found at More library documentation found at
The library takes in grade data in the form of a CSV file or Pandas dataframe and manipulates the data according to certain constant column names for student IDs, class IDs, and a student’s grade in that class. These constants can be changed as need be, and by default work with Fordham’s data.
Importing the library (while is in the same directory):
import edmlib
from edmlib import gradeData
from edmlib import classCorrelationData
Using the gradeData class:
data = gradeData(‘filename.csv’)
# or data = gradeData(pandasDataFrame)
Filter to class data that has a gpa deviation larger than X (ex. 0.2):
Filter to specific classes or majors:
data.reduceToMultipleMajorsOrClasses(majorsToFilterTo, classesToFilterTo)
# where 'majorsToFilterTo' is a list of majors matching the class major column and 'classesToFilterTo'
# is a list of classes matching the class defining column
Export correlation file:
# Has format of "course1", "course2", "corr" (correlation between 0-1), "P-value" (value between 0-1),
# "#students" (number of students shared between these classes).
Change constants to match your file:
data.defineWorkingColumns(finalGradeInClassColumn, classDefiningColumn, courseNumberAndTerm, studentIdColumn, classMajorColumn)
See the demo file for example usage, as well as for more library documentation.