A todo-list using flask+jinja2
This is a simple todo-list using flask+jinja2. It is a simple example of how to use flask and jinja2 to build a web application.
Main features:
- Add/delete/edit a todo item
- Mark a todo item as done
- Mark a undone todo item as undone
- List all todo items
- List all done items
- Sort todo items by four different ways
- Show tasks in a calendar
- Show statistics of tasks
- Add/delete/edit a new module
- Register a new user
- Login with a registered user
- Logout
- Responsive design
- Install anaconda or miniconda
- Create a new environment
conda create -n flask python=3.8
- Activate the environment
conda activate flask
- Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application