fs2 Streaming utilities for interacting with AWS
fs2-aws provides an fs2 interface to AWS services
The design goals are the same as fs2:
compositionality, expressiveness, resource safety, and speed
Creates a stream of Byte
s; size of each part downlaoded is the chunkSize
Example using IO for effects (any monad F <: Effect
can be used):
readS3FileMultipart[IO]("testBucket", "testFile", 25)
A Pipe and Sink allow for writing a stream of Byte
s to S3; size of each part uploaded is the chunkSize
Example using IO for effects (any monad F <: Effect
can be used):
Stream("test data")
.uploadS3FileMultipart[IO]("testBucket", "testFile")
Example using IO for effects (any monad F <: ConcurrentEffect
can be used):
val stream: Stream[IO, CommittableRecord] = readFromKinesisStream[IO]("appName", "streamName")
There are a number of other stream constructors available where you can provide more specific configuration for the KCL worker.
TODO: Implement better test consumer
For now, you can stubbed CommitableRecord and create a fs2.Stream to emit these records:
val record = new Record()
.withApproximateArrivalTimestamp(new Date())
val testRecord = CommittableRecord(
Records must be checkpointed in Kinesis to keep track of which messages each consumer has received. Checkpointing a record in the KCL will automatically checkpoint all records upto that record. To checkpoint records, a Pipe and Sink are available. To help distinguish whether a record has been checkpointed or not, a CommittableRecord class exists to denote a record that hasn't been checkpointed, while the base Record class denotes a commited record.
readFromKinesisStream[IO]("appName", "streamName")
A Pipe and Sink allow for writing a stream of tuple2 (paritionKey, ByteBuffer) to a Kinesis stream.
.map { d => ("partitionKey", ByteBuffer.wrap(d.getBytes))}
AWS credential chain and region can be configured by overriding the respective fields in the KinesisProducerClient parameter to writeToKinesis
. Defaults to using the default AWS credentials chain and us-east-1
for region.
TODO: Stream get data, Stream send data
implicit val messageDecoder: Message => Either[Throwable, Quote] = { sqs_msg =>
.sqsStream[IO, Quote](
(config, callback) => SQSConsumerBuilder(config, callback))
//create stream for testing
def stream(deferedListener: Deferred[IO, MessageListener]) =
.sqsStream[IO, Quote](deferedListener)
//create the program for testing the stream
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
val quote = Quote(...)
val program : IO[List[(Quote, MessageListener)]] = for {
d <- Deferred[IO, MessageListener]
r <- IO.racePair(stream(d), d.get).flatMap {
case Right((streamFiber, listener)) =>
//simulate SQS stream fan-in here
listener.onMessage(new SQSTextMessage(Printer.noSpaces.pretty(quote.asJson)))
case _ => IO(Nil)
} yield r
//Assert results
val result = program
result should be(...)
TODO: Stream send SQS messages