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FIC Scripts

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This is an experimental repository containing export scripts for our Wordpress site, written in Haskell.

You should make an with the following content:

export DB_USER="<mysqluser>" DB_PASS="<mysqlpass>" DB_NAME="<database>"
export MAPS_API_KEY="<googe maps api key>"

Then you can build/run the scripts with:

sudo apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev libpcre3-dev  # For Debian/Ubuntu
stack build
source ./
stack exec directory-fix-coordinates -- --delete-private

Some scripts have a --help flag & some have CLI arguments/flags to change their actions. Use the --help flag on any script to list their options:

$ stack exec subscriber-export -- --help
Subscriptions - Subscriber Export

subscriber-export [OPTIONS]
  Export the name & email of all active subscribers.

Common flags:
  -p --products=PRODUCT_ID,...
  -v --variations=VARIATION_ID,...
  -? --help                         Display help message
  -V --version                      Print version information

Any subscriptions with a matching product or variation will be included.

Passing no product or variation IDs will export all active subscriptions.

You can build a specific script and/or pass additional options like so:

stack build fic-scripts:directory-editor-check --pedantic --ghc-options -O2

You can build HTML documentation with:

stack build --haddock
# Or skip building documentation for dependencies
stack build --haddock --no-haddock-deps

