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Research Track 1, second assignment



The second assignment of the Research Track 1 class is about a robot simulator using the ROS framework and the C++ programing language. The robot essentially is represented by a blue cube and we were supposed to make the robot navigate into a predefinite maze that is the famous Monza's circuit. Moreover, a User Interface was requested and it should constantly wait for an input for the user, which can either ask to increment or decrement the velocity, or to put the robot in the initial position. Therefore, two different nodes were necessary:

  1. The controlling node, that I called control.cpp
  2. The UI node, that I called ui.cpp

Here's some pictures that show the simulation enviroment provided us by profesor Carmine Recchiuto:

The two nodes I created are quite simple: in the controller node the idea is to constantly check for data from laser sensors which the robot is equipped with and make turning decisions on the base of such data. Velocities were set by implementing a publish–subscribe messaging pattern. On the other hand, the UI node waits for inputs from the user and by using a custom Service it modifies the robot velocity depending on the pressed key. Some additional features were added on the UI node. The custom service message (KeyboardInput.srv) that I created is very simple: the request field is a char that will represent the user keyboard input. The response field is a float because it has to represent a number that will be the robot velocity multiplier.

Here's the cusotm service message:

char input
float32 multiplier

The greaest issues that I found during the implementation of the project were:

  • Become familiar with the ROS framework;

  • designing a turn decision method;

  • create a code that implements such turn decision method;

  • find all the correct parameters (i.e. linear and angular velocity, threshold values, etc..) in such a way as not to make the robot navigate too fast or too slow. Such parameters are important because by choosing wrong values the robot navigation results risky, or that the the robot should be likely to bump into the walls.

Code description

Controlling node

Some important global object were instantiated here such as:

  1. A geometry_msgs::Twist my_vel This object is a Twist type of the class geometry_msgs and in particualr is a message used for setting both the robot's linear and angular default velocities;
  2. second_assignment::KeyboardInput my_input. This is the custom service message on purpose designed for the user keyboard inputs;
  3. A ros::ServiceClient for the velocity changes, handled by the UI node;
  4. Another ros::ServiceClient for the restart request, handled by the UI node too.

The controlling node is the one that set both the robot's linear and angular velocities and elaborates data from laser sensors. Here, a turn decison method was implemented but also a Server that collects the Client (in the UI node) requests. The functions that I created are:

  • bool interpreter(second_assignment::KeyboardInput::Request &req, second_assignment::KeyboardInput::Response &res): This is the server function that reads the requests from clients and changes the global variable my_input.response.multiplier (that is the response field of the custom service message) that multiplies the default velocities so that it makes the robot velocity increase/decrease. In particular, 1. The keyborad key 'a' is used for increasing the multiplier and therefore also the robot velocity. 2. The keyborad key 's' is used for decreasing the multiplier and therefore also the robot velocity. 3. The keyborad key 'q' is used for terminating the processes. 4. The keyborad key 'r' is used for restarting the robot from its initial position but also for resetting his initial velocity. This is a bool function, it returns true every time that one of the inputs above is received. Here's the code:
bool interpreter(second_assignment::KeyboardInput::Request &req, second_assignment::KeyboardInput::Response &res)
	else if(req.input=='s'){
	else if(req.input=='q'){
		kill(getpid(), SIGINT); // Kill the current process. (I included the <signnal.h> library!)
	else if(req.input=='r'){
		my_input.response.multiplier = 1.0;
	return true;
  • float compute_min(int imin, int imax, float ranges[]): This function computes the minimum value among all values in the ranges[] array. The arguments are: 1. i_min (int): smaller index from which the computation should start 2. i_max (int): grater index in which the computation should end
    3. ranges[] (float): this is the array in which the computation must be done

It returns the minimum value among all values in the ranges[] array. Here's the code:

float compute_min(int imin, int imax, float ranges[]){
	float min=30;					
	for(int i=imin; i<imax; i++){ 
	return min;	
  • void Drive(float min_left, float min_right, float min_front, float ranges []): This is the function that drives the robot into the circuit. This function will be called in the Callback function so that the instructions will be looped. The implementation logic is quite simple: the minimum distances around the robot are continuously updated. If the distace in front of the robot is less than 1.5 then a turning method is activated. If no walls closer than 1.5 are detected in the front direction the robot is simply going straight. In order to read all the data from the laser sensor which the robot is equipped with, I implemented a subscriber to the "/base_scan" topic. This topic uses a message of type sensor_msgs::LaserScan whose field called ranges is an array of 721 elements. Such array provide us the distances from the walls in every direction around the robot. Element 0 give us the distance from the wall on the right side and the 721st element give us the distance on the left side. The logic is quite simple: if the distance on the right is less than the distance on the left, the robot is turning left. And the opposite is also true. Furthermore, the front left/right directions are checked in order to avoid the robot to bump into the wall when its velocity is high.

The array's checked spans are:

 - Left side, corresponding to the 0-100 array span.
 - Right side, corresponding to the 620-720 array span.
 - Front direction, corresponding to the 300-420 array span.
 - Front-left side, corresponding to the 450-510 array span.
 - Front-right side, corresponding to the 170-230 array span

Here's a picture that clarify this concept:

Thanks to the compute_min(int imin, int imax, float ranges[]) function I could extrapolate the lowest distances among each span and therefore I could also let the robot make decisions based on the minimum distances. The velocity managing was done through the geometry_message::Twist message. The fields linear and angular have been used to modify the linear and angular velocity of the robot, while the fields x and z define orientation axis on which the velocity is considered. Finally, the message is published. Arguments: 1. min_left (float): minimum distance from the wall on the left of the robot; 2. min_right (float): minimum distance from the wall on the right of the robot; 3. min_front (float): minimum distance from the wall in front of the robot. 4. ranges[] (float): array in which the computation takes place.

There are no return values for this funciton. Here's the code:

void Drive(float min_left, float min_right, float min_front, float ranges []){
	min_left=compute_min(620, 720, ranges);
	min_right=compute_min(0, 100, ranges);
	min_front=compute_min(300, 420 , ranges);
	min_front_l=compute_min(450, 510, ranges);
	min_front_r=compute_min(170, 230, ranges);
	cout<< "\n" BHMAG "Closest laser scan on the right: "<<min_right<< "\n" RESET;
	cout<< BHCYN "Closest laser scan on the left: "<<min_left<< "\n" RESET;
	cout<< BHBLU "Closest front laser scan: "<<min_front<< "\n" RESET;

		cout<< BHRED "Stop, there's a wall in front of me!" RESET "\n";
			cout<< BHWHT "Turning right..." RESET "\n";
			my_vel.angular.z = -k_angular;
			my_vel.linear.x = k_linear*my_input.response.multiplier;
		else if(min_right<0.8*min_left){
			cout<< BHWHT "Turning left..." RESET "\n";
			my_vel.angular.z = k_angular;
			my_vel.linear.x = k_linear*my_input.response.multiplier;
		else if(min_front_l<front_left_th){
			cout<< BHWHT "Turning a little bit right..." RESET "\n";
			my_vel.angular.z = -k_angular;
			my_vel.linear.x = k_linear;
		else if(min_front_r<front_right_th){
			cout<< BHWHT "Turning a little bit left..." RESET "\n";
			my_vel.angular.z = k_angular;
			my_vel.linear.x = k_linear;
		else {
			my_vel.linear.x = default_vel*my_input.response.multiplier;
			my_vel.angular.z = 0.0;
		cout<< BHGRN "I'll go straight" RESET "\n";
		my_vel.angular.z = 0.0;
	cout<< BHWHT "The robot current linear velocity is "<<my_input.response.multiplier<<" times the default velocity\n" RESET;

UI node

The User Interface node handles the user keyboard inputs. Here's a legend of the allowed commands:

  • 'a' keyboard key is used for increasing the robot linear velocity;
  • 's' keyboard key is used for decreasing the robot linear velocity;
  • 'r' keyboard key is used for resetting the robot position and linear velocity;
  • 'q' keyboard key is used for quitting the application and terminates all the nodes.

Some important global object were instantiated such as:

  1. The custom service message second_assignment::KeyboardInput my_input: here the request field of this object is set.
  2. A ros::ServiceClient for handling the keyboard input;
  3. Another ros::ServiceClient for handling the service that restart the robot position;
  4. A char type that will contain the user inputs,
  5. Another char type that will contain inputs when the user presses 'q';

In the main function of the node a while(ros::ok()) loop was created in order to constantly wait for user input. Whenever one of the above keyboard key is pressed, through cin>>, the user input is put in the command variable. If the command is a not allowed command, an error message is printed. Instead, if the user input is an allowed command, the request field of the custom service message second_assignment::KeyboardInput my_input is filled and the request is sent to the server. The cases in which the input are 'r' and 'q' are a little bit different from other cases because in 'r' case we call two services: the one for restarting the robot position and the other one for resetting the default velocity. For the 'q' case, instead, some control for safety were implemented. Here's a peice of the code for the while(ros::ok()) loop:

 	while(ros :: ok()) {
			cout<< BHCYN "Restarting..." RESET "\n";
		else if(command=='q'){
			cout<< BHRED "Are you sure you want to quit? 'y' for Yes, 'n' for No" RESET "\n";
				cout<< BHRED "Exiting..." RESET "\n";
				return 0;					
			else if(exit_command=='n'){
				cout<< BHGRN "Okay, let's continue!" RESET "\n";
		else{ // A not allowed command was pressed
			cout<< BHRED "This command is not allowed, please use the commands above!" RESET "\n";

Installing and running

Here's some useful informations regarding running the simulator. First of all, xterm, a standard terminal emulator, is needed. You can install xterm by entering the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install xterm

I created a launch file in the launch directory that executes three nodes at the same time:

  • The stageros node, that runs the simulation environment;
  • The control node;
  • The ui node.

You can run the program by entering the following command:

roslaunch second_assignment launch_nodes.launch 

The UI node will run on an xterm terminal.

If any of the three node terminates the launch file will terminates all the nodes.

Rqt Graph

In order to have a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph, here's a rqt_graph about the project:

As you can see, the control node publishes both the linear and the angular velocity to the robot in the environment on the /cmd_vel topic. At the same time, the control node is subscibed to the /stage_ros topic that provides the robot's distances from the wall. The ui node, instead, handles inputs from the user and sends requests in order to let the control node to modify the robot velocity.


For a more precise description of what the two nodes do you can consult the following flowcharts, created with Lucidchart:

This is the controller node's flowchart:

This one, instead, is the UI node's flowchart:

I created also a global flowchart in order to have a more precise general idea of the project's implementation:


The final result is that the robot correctly runs around the circuit and, despite there are some things that could be improved in the future, I am satisfied with the work that I've done specially because that was my first approach with the ROS framework.

In order to make you understand how my code works, I recorded this video:


Possible Improvements

A possible improvement that can be implemented is certainly to avoid bumping the robot into the wall when we increase its speed a lot. Some controls were implemented such as the computation of the minimum distance in the front left & right direction span. Nevertheless I measured that with a 3.5 times greater velocity than the default velocity the robot still bumps into the wall.