This is an Air native extension for Google Analytics on the iOS and Android platforms.
The new "app" profile on the Google Analytics dashboard won't accept any data from the trackers (1.5 and 1.5.1) currently used. I should complete the port to the new tracker shortly, so you can all benefit of the newest profiles.
The bin folder contains the compiled extension and the default swc, which can be used for local testing if required by your development environment (Flash Builder shouldn't need it, but other IDEs may).
- upgraded to AIR 3.5
- updated Google Analytics libraries (Android 1.5.1 and iOS 1.5)
- improved error handling
- added account ID validation
- upgraded to AIR 3.4
- fixed more compatibility issues for cross-system compilation
- finally tested on real iOS devices, thanks to @digitaljohn
- fixed incompatibility issues with earlier versions of iOS
- added some utility methods to the Enums related to custom variables
- upgraded to AIR 3.3
- added target in the ANT script to run the demo project on the iOS simulator
- cleaned and updated the ANT build file
- fixed issues with the iOS version of the extension
- updated Google Analytics libraries (Android 1.4.2 and iOS 1.4)
- added demo project to showcase usage and capabilities
- added some documentation on usage
- initial release
The extension requires that your project is built against version 5.1 of the iOS SDK.
It doesn't require version 5.1 at run-time, version 4.0 should be sufficient, but it is required at compile-time.
Due to this limitation, any project using the extension must be compiled on a computer running Mac OS X and with version 5 or later of the iOS SDK. Specify the path to the SDK when compiling the project, if the functionality is built in to your IDE (like in Flash Builder) or using parameter -platformsdk when building with adt from the command line or a build script.
Use Adobe Air SDK 3.4 or later.
First of all, add the NativeGATracker.ane to your project.
Then you should check if the library is supported, get an instance of the tracker, start a tracking session using your Analytics ID and actually track something.
The code below shows the most basic example:
if (GATracker.isSupported()) {
var tracker:GATracker = GATracker.getInstance();
tracker.startNewSession("UA-00000000-0", interval);
For any additional information you can reference the Google Analytics Developer Guides & Reference pages or the ASDocs on the code.
The extension follow closely the original SDK methods and functionalities, so it shouldn't be a problem to understand how it works.
In any case, if you have any problem or questions, just drop me a line.
- Adobe Air SDK 3.4 or later
- XCode IDE, iOS SDK 5.1 or later
- Google Android SDK 2.2
- Google Analytics mobile SDKs for iOS and Android
- Download the Google Analytics mobile SDKs for both iOS and Android platforms.
- From the iOS SDK, copy the files GANTracker.h and libGoogleAnalytics.a from the Library folder within the .tar.gz archive, to the source/ios/Libraries folder in the project.
- From the Android SDK, copy the file libGoogleAnalytics.jar from inside the .zip archive, to the source/android/libs folder in the project.
- Add the FlashRuntimeExtensions.h file from the Adobe Air SDK to the source/ios/Libraries folder in the project.
- Add the FlashRuntimeExtensions.jar file from the Adobe Air SDK to the source/android/libs folder in the project.
- Substitute the file certificate.p12 in the build folder with your own. This may be a self-signed certificate created by Adobe Air.
- Edit the build.config file in the build folder and change the properties in this file to match your system.
- Run the ant build script build.ant from the build folder. This creates the native extension, and the default swc file, inside the bin folder.
- Better documentation
- ECommerce support
- Better error logging