tracePtLas is 2 smalls programs, tracePtLas2D (z=0) and tracePtLas3D, in Python 3.11 which traces in Autocad the points of the .las or .laz files.
When you receive a large amount of point clouds from a Lidar, being able to batch process .las files is a must.
The clouds containing less than 1000 points are ignored.
Insert a block containing points.
Save each drawing under the name of the .las.
Point resolution is reduced. 1/12 for 3D, 1/32 for 2D
I preferred to do two programs because in one, i couldn't avoid a time-consuming condition in the main loop.
- You have to install pyautocad and laspy
pip install pyautocad
pip install laspy[lazrs,laszip]
Only for Windows
Autocad must be installed
Start Autocad and open the destination drawing.
Otherwise Autocad will start with drawing1.dwg.
Start tracePtLas2D or tracePtLas3D
Choose .las or .laz files
Wait a few minutes
No license