A starter theme for Hugo created with Bulma and optimized with modern workflows and tooling. ποΈ
npm i
npm start
This will automatically open a browser tab with the website and BrowserSync will automatically reload the CSS or refresh the whole page, when stylesheets or content changes.
To build a static version of the website inside the /dist
npm run build
This website uses Hugo as the static site generator and Gulp + Webpack as the asset pipeline.
It is set up to use PostCSS and Babel for Sass and JavaScript compilation and transpilation.
For theme directory issues, refer to this thread.
βββ dist // Static files generated
βββ gulpfile.babel.js // Build processes
βββ netlify.toml // Netlify deployment config
βββ package.json // NPM packages
βββ site // Compiles to dist
| βββ archetypes // Default templates
| βββ config.toml // Hugo config
| βββ content // Content goes here
| βββ layouts // Layouts for pages and posts
| βββ static // Any static files
βββ src // Go to assets directory in dist
| βββ img // Minified
| βββ js // Compressed and transpiled
| βββ sass // Compressed and compiled
βββ webpack.config.js // Webpack config
- Website for Techqueria.org
To get started...
- π΄ Fork this repo
- π¨ View the contributing guidelines at CONTRIBUTING.md
- π₯ Add yourself as a contributor under the credits section
- π§ Open a new pull request
- π Get your pull request approved - success!
Or just create an issue - any little bit of help counts! π
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More details can be found at this project's code of conduct.