This program/module scrapes DCU's timetable and returns information based on the day, course and time.
This program is intented to be used as a module. Although it does run standalone it was designed to be used in conjunction with a Facebook messenger bot.
This program was made using Python 3.6.4
BeautifulSoup 4 is required and is obtainable through pip.
pip install beautifulsoup4
This program uses requests, BeautifulSoup 4 and warnings.
Install dependencies listed above if not already installed.
Import bs4dcu into your own script.
Call the run function like the example below"mon", "10:00", "CA", "1")
Run is the main function of this program.
Run returns either two things, a dictionary or a list(if no time specified).
If run returns a dictionary the keys are the times.
If run returns a list, a time has been given and the list will contain the possible modules on at that time. Note that more than one module can be on at once with optional modules for courses and week dependent modules.
e.g. Return for a list
run("Thu","11:00", "CA", "1")
['Digital Innovation Management and Enterprise In GLA.L125, GLA.L128 With Ward M', 'Digital Innovation Management and Enterprise In GLA.QG15 With ANOTHER for MW']
run(day, time, code, year)
day: ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]
time (optional): 24hr format only takes the hour or half hour currently.
e.g 17:00 and 14:30 but not 14:31
code (optional): Module code, e.g. CA = Computer Applications, AF = Accounting Finance
Year(optional): The year code for the module, e.g. 1,2,3,4 (Must be in string format)
Note: code defaults to CA if none entered and year defaults to 1
Next runs run(day, time, code) with the current time and day and can return two things similiar to run.
If it is past 5:30PM next will return the timetable for tomorrow in the form of a dictionary with keys time.keys()
If it is before 5:30pm it will return a list of what is due to be on in the next hour.
e.g. If it is currently 10AM it will see what is on at 11AM and send that back.
next(code, year)
code(optional): Module code, e.g. CA = Computer Applications, AF = Accounting Finance
year(optional): The year code for the module, e.g. 1,2,3,4 (Must be in string format)
Note: code defaults to CA if none entered and year defaults to 1
Beautify takes data i.e a list or dictionary and prints it out nicely.
The main function of this is for testing and for standalone functionality.
e.g. beautify(run("Mon","11:00","AF", "1")) More examples can be seen in the main() function // Run
datacontent: A list or dictionary - * Dictionary must be using keys times.keys() *
Takes in a list and returns neatly formatted text in the form of a string
l = run("Mon","11:00","CA","1")
s = responsehandler(l)
l: a list usually from run or next functions.
Returns neartly formatted text from a dictionary in the form of a string. Usually data should be from the run function. If there is nothing on that day, i.e. the dictionary was empty then it returns the string "Nothing On Today".
d = run("Fri",None,"CA","1")
s = dictionaryhandler(d)
s = dictionaryhandler(run("Fri",None,"CA","1"))
d: A dictionary usally the result of run function.
Please let me know if you found this useful and use it! Send me a message or something!