The script install_yunohost
will install YunoHost on a Debian system.
Only Debian 9/Stretch systems running with kernel >= 3.12 systemd - which is generally the default - are supported.
With a curl|bash
syntax :
$ curl | bash
If something goes wrong, you can check the installation logs saved in /var/log/yunohost-installation.log
The script supports a number of positional arguments:
$ bash install_yunohost -h
Usage :
install_yunohost [-a] [-d <DISTRIB>] [-h]
Options :
-a Enable automatic mode. No questions are asked.
This does not perform the post-install step.
-d Choose the distribution to install ('stable', 'testing', 'unstable').
Defaults to 'stable'
-h Prints this help and exit
By specifying -a
, the installation will be performed without asking any question.
This is useful for fully automated headless installations.
The post-installation will need to be performed later.
The -d <DISTRIB>
switch is mostly for advanced users who want to install the bleeding edge versions of YunoHost packages.
Please report issues here :