- Names are identifiers for docker images, usually following the format
- Tags are labels that specify the version of an image, usually following the format
- The
tag does not get automatically managed by Docker registries but must be manually maintained or automated using tools like GitHub Actions. It's only convention.
- The
In the following guide
should signify inputting variable of that type and[VARIABLE...]
should signify that as many variables of that type may be passed.
➡️ docker version
Check docker version.
➡️ docker info
Provides info about Docker installation & containers & images.
➡️ docker inspect RESOURCE
Returns detailed info on containers, images, volumes, etc.
➡️ docker system prune
Removes stopped containers, unsued networks, dangling images, and build cache. More specific prune commands are available but not listed here.
➡️ docker system df
Shows Docker disk usage.
Lightweight, stand-alone, executable package. Filesystem snapshot with all dependencies & instructions needed to run.
➡️ docker images
Lists all Docker images on local machine.
➡️ docker pull [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG|@DIGEST]
Downloads an image from a Docker registry like Docker hub, e.g. docker pull ubuntu:20.04
➡️ docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile in specified directory, e.g. docker build -t myapp:latest .
. Defaults to latest tag if none is specified.
➡️ docker rmi [IMAGE...]
Deletes one or more images from local machine, e.g. docker rmi ubuntu:20.04
Adds an additional tag to an existing image, e.g. docker tag myapp:latest username/myapp:v1.0
➡️ docker push [OPTIONS] IMAGE_NAME:TAG
Pushes an image to a Docker registry, e.g. docker push username/myapp:v1.0
Running instance of an image as a blueprint.
➡️ docker ps
Shows all currently running containers. Add -a
to include stopped ones. ps
because of the Linux command that displays processes.
➡️ docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
Creates and starts a new container from an image, e.g. docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx
will run the container in detached mode (in the background) and return to terminal prompt.-p 80:80
maps ports 80 of host and 80 of container together.
➡️ docker start CONTAINER
Starts a previously stopped container, e.g. docker start nginx
➡️ docker stop CONTAINER
Stops a running container, e.g. docker stop nginx
➡️ docker restart CONTAINER
Restarts a running container, e.g. docker restart nginx
➡️ docker rm [CONTAINER...]
Deletes one or more containers, e.g. docker rm nginx
➡️ docker stats
Displays real-time metrics for running containers.
Runs a command inside a running container, e.g. docker exec -it nginx bash
opens up a bash shell in nginx.
Copies files between a container and the local filesystem. Don't specify container before a path to reference local file system. Copying from container to container directly is not supported.
Creates a new image from a container's changes, e.g. docker commit nginx username/nginx:v1.1
➡️ docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER
Fetches the logs of a container in real-time, e.g. docker logs -f nginx
stands for follow - keeps the logs updating in real-time.
Virtual network for containers. Handles communication between containers.
➡️ docker network ls
Lists all Docker networks on local machine.
➡️ docker network inspect NETWORK
Provides detailed information about a specific network.
➡️ docker network create [OPTIONS] NETWORK
Creates a new Docker network, e.g. docker network create server
➡️ docker network rm NETWORK
Deletes a Docker network, e.g. docker network rm server
Persistent data storage seperate from a container's lifecycle.
➡️ docker volume ls
Lists all Docker volumes on local machine.
➡️ docker volume inspect VOLUME
Provides detailed information about a specific volume.
➡️ docker volume create [OPTIONS] VOLUME
Creates a new Docker volume, e.g. docker volume create shared_data
➡️ docker volume rm VOLUME
Deletes a Docker volume, e.g. docker volume rm shared_data
Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications, as specified in a
In older environments, the command may not be integrated yet, instead beingdocker-compose ...
➡️ docker compose up --build
Builds, starts and attaches to containers for a service.
executes starting instructions as defined in the same-directory filedocker-compose.yml
ensures all Dockerfile or dependency changes are built into the images before starting the containers
➡️ docker compose down
Stops and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by docker compose up
➡️ docker compose stop [SERVICE...]
Stops a specific docker service as started by docker compose up
➡️ docker compose build
Builds or rebuilds services defined in docker-compose.yml
➡️ docker compose ps
List containers related to the services defined in the docker-compose.yml
➡️ docker compose logs
Shows logs from all services.