It's a swift lib that gives ability to send push notifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Built for Vapor3 and depends on JWT
Vapor lib.
Note: the project is in active development state and it may cause huge syntax changes before v1.0.0
If you have great ideas of how to improve this package write me (@iMike) in Vapor's discord chat or just send pull request.
Hope it'll be useful for someone :)
Edit your Package.swift
//add this repo to dependencies
.package(url: "", from: "0.6.2")
//and don't forget about targets
First of all you should configure FCM in configure.swift
import FCM
/// Called before your application initializes.
public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Environment, _ services: inout Services) throws {
//here you should initialize FCM
let fcm = FCM()
services.register(fcm, as: FCM.self)
and don't forget to pass the following environment variables
fcmServiceAccountKeyPath // /tmp/serviceAccountKey.json
fcmEmail //
fcmKeyPath // /tmp/fcm.pem
fcmProjectId // example-3ab5c
let fcm = FCM(pathToServiceAccountKey: "/tmp/serviceAccountKey.json")
services.register(fcm, as: FCM.self)
let fcm = FCM(email: "",
projectId: "example-3ab5c",
pathToKey: "/tmp/fcm.pem")
services.register(fcm, as: FCM.self)
let fcm = FCM(email: "",
projectId: "example-3ab5c",
services.register(fcm, as: FCM.self)
⚠️ TIP:serviceAccountKey.json
you could get from Firebase Console🔑 Just go to Settings -> Service Accounts tab and press Create Private Key button in e.g. NodeJS tab
Add the following code to your configure.swift
fcm.apnsDefaultConfig = FCMApnsConfig(headers: [:],
aps: FCMApnsApsObject(sound: "default"))
fcm.androidDefaultConfig = FCMAndroidConfig(ttl: "86400s",
restricted_package_name: "com.example.myapp",
notification: FCMAndroidNotification(sound: "default"))
fcm.webpushDefaultConfig = FCMWebpushConfig(headers: [:],
data: [:],
notification: [:])
Then you could send push notifications using token, topic or condition.
Here's an example route handler with push notification sending using token
router.get("testfcm") { req -> Future<String> in
let fcm = try req.make(FCM.self)
let notification = FCMNotification(title: "Vapor is awesome!", body: "Swift one love! ❤️")
let message = FCMMessage(token: token, notification: notification)
return try fcm.sendMessage(req.client(), message: message)
returns message name like projects/example-3ab5c/messages/1531222329648135
struct is absolutely the same as Message
struct in Firebase docs
So you could take a look on its source code to build proper message.
In my Vapor projects I'm using this extension for sending push notifications
import Vapor
import Fluent
import FCM
protocol Firebaseable: Model {
var firebaseToken: String? { get set }
extension Firebaseable {
func sendPush(title: String, message: String, on req: Container) throws -> Future<Void> {
guard let token = firebaseToken else {
return req.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: ())
return try Self.sendPush(title: title, message: message, token: token, on: req)
static func sendPush(title: String, message: String, token: String, on container: Container) throws -> Future<Void> {
let fcm = try container.make(FCM.self)
let message = FCMMessage(token: token, notification: FCMNotification(title: title, body: message))
return try fcm.sendMessage(container.make(Client.self), message: message).transform(to: ())
extension Array where Element: Firebaseable {
func sendPush(title: String, message: String, on container: Container) throws -> Future<Void> {
return try map { try $0.sendPush(title: title, message: message, on: container) }.flatten(on: container)
Optionally you can handle sendMessage
error through defining catchFlatMap
after it, e.g. for removing broken tokens or anything else
return try fcm.sendMessage(container.make(Client.self), message: message).transform(to: ()).catchFlatMap { error in
guard let googleError = error as? GoogleError, let fcmError = googleError.fcmError else {
return container.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: ())
switch fcmError.errorCode {
case .unregistered: // drop token only if unregistered
return container.requestPooledConnection(to: .psql).flatMap { conn in
return Self.query(on: conn).filter(\.firebaseToken == token).first().flatMap { model in
defer { try? container.releasePooledConnection(conn, to: .psql) }
guard var model = model else { return container.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: ()) }
model.firebaseToken = nil
return conn).transform(to: ())
}.always {
try? container.releasePooledConnection(conn, to: .psql)
return container.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: ())
Special thanks to @grahamburgsma for
Then e.g. I'm conforming my Token
model to Firebaseable
final class Token: Content {
var id: UUID?
var token: String
var userId: User.ID
var firebaseToken: String?
extension Token: Firebaseable {}
So then you'll be able to send pushes by querying tokens like this
Token.query(on: req)
.join(\, to: \Token.userId)
.filter(\ == "")
.all().map { tokens in
try tokens.sendPush(title: "Test push", message: "Hello world!", on: req)