Name: Sketcher ConstrainPerpendicular
MenuLocation: Sketch , Sketcher constraints , Constrain perpendicular
Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench
Shortcut: **N**
SeeAlso: Sketcher_ConstrainAngle
The Sketcher ConstrainPerpendicular tool constrains two lines to be perpendicular, or two edges, or an edge and an axis, to be perpendicular at their intersection. Lines are treated as infinite, and open curves are virtually extended as well. The constraint can also connect two edges, forcing them to be perpendicular at the joint.
See also: Drawing aids.
- Make sure there is no selection.
- There are several ways to invoke the tool:
Press the
Constrain perpendicular button.
Select the Sketch → Sketcher constraints →
Constrain perpendicular option from the menu.
: Right-click in the 3D view and select the Constrain →
Constrain perpendicular option from the context menu.
Use the keyboard shortcut: N.
- The cursor changes to a cross with the tool icon.
- Do one of the following:
- Select two edges. One of the edges must be a straight line or an axis. The other can be any edge except a B-spline.
- Select a point and two edges (in that order).
- Select an edge, a point and another edge (idem).
- A Perpendicular constraint is added. If a point and two edges have been selected, up to two Point on object constraints can also be added. See Examples.
- Optionally keep creating constraints.
- To finish, right-click or press Esc, or start another geometry or constraint creation tool.
- Do one of the following:
- Select two edges (see above).
- Select two endpoints belonging to different edges.
- Select an edge and the endpoint of another edge (in any order).
- Select a point and two edges (idem).
<small>(v1.0)</small> : Right-click in the [3D view](3D_view.md) and select the **<img src="images/Sketcher_ConstrainPerpendicular.svg" width=16px> Constrain perpendicular** option from the context menu.
- A Perpendicular constraint is added. If a point and two edges have been selected, up to two Point on object constraints can also be added. See Examples.
The two edges are made perpendicular at their (virtual) intersection. If one of the edges is a conic, a Point object that has a Point on object constraint with both (extended) edges is added.
The endpoints are made coincident, and the edges are made perpendicular at that point.
The endpoint of one edge is constrained to lie on the other edge, and the edges are made perpendicular at that point.
The two edges are made perpendicular at a given point. The point can be any point, e.g. the center of a circle, the endpoint of an edge, or the origin, it can belong to one of the edges, and it can also be a Point object. If required Point on object constraint(s) are added to ensure the point lies on both (extended) edges. These additional constraints are called helper constraints.
Perpendicular Constraint can be created from macros and from the python console by using the following:
# direct perpendicularity
# point-to-point perpendicularity
# point-to-curve perpendicularity
# perpendicular-via-point (plain constraint, helpers are not added automatically)
``` where:
- `Sketch` is a sketch object
- `icurve1`, `icurve2` are two integers identifying the curves to be made perpendicular. The integers are indexes in the sketch (the value, returned by `Sketch.addGeometry`).
- `pointpos1`, `pointpos2` should be `1` for start point and `2` for end point.
- `geoidpoint` and `pointpos` in PerpendicularViaPoint are the indexes specifying the point of perpendicularity.
The [Sketcher scripting](Sketcher_scripting.md) page explains the values which can be used for `icurve1`, `icurve2`, `pointpos1`, `pointpos2` and `geoidpoint`, and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.
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