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This mod adds jade and, for the most part, jade-related items.

Jade/Jade impurities

Throughout your world, you may find Green Crystal Ore, which can be mined with an iron pickaxe or stronger. When smelted, this ore will become an Impure Crystal, which can be cut in a stonecutter to get Jade Shards. These shards can be combined in a crafting table to make Jade, and, by upgrading Iron tools and armor with Jade in a smithing table, you can get their Jade variants, which are twice as powerful as iron. Combining 9 jade in a crafting table makes a jade block.

Transport Hub

This block allows you to send items to your friends. Pick an item, such as a shulker box, that can contain other items, rename it so that the item's name matches the name of the recipient, and, holding that item, click on the transport hub. Your item will be sent to your friend, and renamed so your friend knows who sent it!
Other 'container' items from different mods may be able to be sent in the future


While this block isn't made from jade, it is a mobile storage block, similar to a shulker box, which can be pushed by pistons. It provides nine slots of inventory space, and can be used to transport items via a transport hub.
This block cannot be pulled by sticky pistons. I may find a way to change that in the future.


A rare material only found in the end, Enderite can be used to upgrade Netherite tools and armor, doubling their stats. The ore is to strong for even a netherite pickaxe to mine, and can only be collected with jade tools.