- This plugin allows to change ones health regen per second.
- Download this repository (right top green button), and copy
on your plugins folder.
cvar name, default value, description.
"sm_rhenabled", "1", "Sets whether the plugin is enabled."
"sm_rhmode", "0", "Sets plugins mode, 0: sm_rhincrement = additive value to the default regen health for each class for everyone, 1: Custom health value for each class from each ones cvar"
"sm_rhteam", "1", "0: apply to all teams, 1: Only RED, 2: Only Blue"
"sm_rhincrement", "4", "Additive health added to everyone per second if sm_spmode = 1."
"sm_rhsoldier", "2", "Sets Soldiers regen health per second"
"sm_rhpyro", "2", "Sets Pyros regen health per second"
"sm_rhspy", "2", "Sets Spys regen health per second"
"sm_rhdemoman", "2", "Sets Demomans regen health per second"
"sm_rhsniper", "2", "Sets Snipers regen health per second"
"sm_rhengineer", "2", "Sets Engineers regen health per second"
"sm_rhheavy", "2", "Sets Heavys regen health per second"
"sm_rhscout", "2", "Sets Scouts regen health per second"
"sm_rhmedic", "2", "Sets Medics regen health per second"
- Config file located at