Yeoman generator for frontend apps - lets you quickly set up a project including dev server, unit tests and Webpack module system.
- Transpiling ES2015 to ES5 via Babel-Loader
- Compiling SCSS/SASS to CSS
- Autoprefixing styles via PostCSS
- Automatic JavaScript code linting via esLint
- Automatic Sass code linting via sasslint
- HTML linting via html-validator
- Web accessibility linting via AccessSniff
- Ability to unit test JavaScript code via Karma and Jasmine
- Automatic generation of sass documentation via sassdoc
# Make sure is installed globally
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-front-webpack
npm install -g karma-cli
# Create a new directory, and `cd` into it:
mkdir new-project && cd new-project
# setting up project
yo front-webpack
Run dev server: $ npm start
Open http://localhost:8080/
to see compiled app.
If you want to build files without dev server run command $ npm run build
If you want test your app enter $npm test
This command including:
- unit testing
- js linting
- sass linting
- html validation
- web accessibility linting
If you want run only one kind of a test you can use one of these commands:
$ karma start
$ npm start eslint
$ npm run sasslint
$ npm run htmllint
$ npm start accessibility
$ npm run sassdoc
$ npm run docsserver