write jsx in your html. only 1kb dep.
// it returns a dom object.
const app = jsx`<div>Hello World!</div>` // <div>Hello World!</div>
document.body.append(app) // append it.
it's the same as:
const app = document.createElement("div")
app.innerHTML = "Hello World!"
or use jsx.render
jsx.render(app, document.body)
add it to the head. have a try!
<script src="https://saber2pr.top/jsx/jsx.min.js"></script>
<!-- import jsx shim -->
<script src="https://saber2pr.top/jsx/jsx.min.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
// functional component
const List = ({ list }) =>
list.map(n => jsx`<li style=${{ color: "red" }}>${n}</li>`)
// <ul />
const Ul = jsx`<ul><${List} list=${[1, 2, 3]} /></ul>`
// append to dom.
const ref = {} // must be an object
const button = jsx`<button ref=${ref} onClick=${() =>
// functional ref handle
const button = jsx`<button ref=${btn => (ref.current = btn)} onClick=${() =>
the ref could be passed from functional component to the functional component, no need forwardRef.(different from react)
const paras = jsx`
</${jsx.frag}>` // #document-fragment
const fetchData = value =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, value))
const App = async ({ value }) => {
const data = await fetchData(value)
return jsx`<h1>${data}</h1>`
const Index = jsx`
<${jsx.Suspense} fallback=${jsx`<p>loading...</p>`}>
<${App} value=${"qwq"}/>
or import()
const App = jsx.lazy(import("./app.js"))
// or return a default prop: () => Promise<{default: HTMLElement}>
const App = jsx.lazy(async ({ value }) => {
const data = await fetchData(value)
return {
default: jsx`<h1>${data}</h1>`
jsx.createElement(`div`, { id: "hello" }, "Hello World!") // <div id="hello">Hello World!</div>
const fontSize = 2
jsx.createElement(`h${fontSize}`, {}, "Hello World!") // <h2>Hello World!</h2>
Author: saber2pr