This repository has two python scripts for processing the ultrasonic data gathered in three_sensor_ros.ino in ultrasonic-test.
This file creates a rosnode that subcribes to the raw ultrasonic sensordata topic ultrasonic/[sensorplacement]/raw
calculates the mean and variance of the three ultrasonic sensors and
outputs this on the topic ultrasonic/[sensorplacement]/filtered
In the filtered range message we use the range_msg.field_of_view to store the variance.
This file relies only on the filtered ultrasonic data to decide where we want the car to go.
This creates a rosnode that subscribes to ultrasonic/[sensorplacement]/filtered
only uses the measurements that are below a certain variance level in the calculation of the velocity reference.
The velocity reference is outputed as a PointStamped.msg
where the x component is the desired speed in the forward direction and
the y component is how much we would like to turn. It published to the topic control/velref
in the coordinate frame of the ultrasonic/center