A RTS game inspired by Dune II - written in QuickBasic + DirectQB
Want to try it yourself in Dosbox? see below where to get the binary version.
Created around 1998/1999, probably my nth attempt to write an RTS game engine in QuickBasic, due limitations in memory and the editor you had in that time (QuickBasic).
It therefor has 3 'games' (engines). And a separate menu.exe which bootstraps the appropiate engine. It probably could be made more efficient, but at that time I already started working on my very first C/C++ related projects. Which much later became Dune II - The Maker.
I keep it here for history sake, and for the sake that I really love programming :)
I have spent God knows how much time on this, you can still grab the binary and play it in Dosbox if you really want to.
Get it from: http://arrakis.dune2k.com/downloads.html