Code for the paper "Modeling Contour Measurements of Elliptical Extended Objects via Gaussian Spatial Distributions" by Simon Steuernagel, Kolja Thormann, and Marcus Baum, published at the 2024 SDF Workshop.
Abstract: Many elliptical extended object tracking methods model the spatial distribution of the measurement sources on the object with a Gaussian distribution. With the help of moment matching, alternative spatial distributions of the measurement sources can be incorporated. For example, a uniform distribution on the surface leads to a constant scaling of the matching Gaussian distribution’s covariance matrix. This work is concerned with measurement sources from the contour of an elliptical object. It is shown that for a circle with uniformly distributed measurement sources on the contour, a constant scalar factor is obtained. This scaling factor still holds for an ellipse when the contour points are stretched accordingly. If, however, the semi-axes are not equal and the distribution is uniform on the contour, individual scaling factors for each axis are required. These depend on the (unknown) ratio of semi-axis lengths, but it is shown that they can also be estimated online in a recursive filtering framework. The applicability of the results to extended object tracking are evaluated based on simulations, showing that by employing the correct scaling factors, the Random Matrix ( RM) filter can accurately track an extended object given contour measurements.
Furthermore, please consider having a look at the following closely related work:
Random Matrix-based Tracking of Rectangular Extended Objects with Contour Measurements
GitHub repository
where rectangular objects are considered.
- Key scripts to run the conducted experiments can be found here
- For the extended object tracking experiments,
generates all the key figures used in the paper - Numerical verification of the derived scaling factors is done here
- Examples for the two sampling strategies can be generated using this script
- For the extended object tracking experiments,
- Implementations of the trackers can be found in this directory
- For the random matrix tracker, the standard version with a fix (scalar) scaling factor can be found in this file
- The version that adaptively determines the two scaling factors for the axis extends the standard RM tracker and can be found here