PhishHunter is a security tool designed to identify and analyse potential phishing domains and IP addresses. The tool utilises dnstwist's domain name permutation engine to scan variant domains that could be mistaken for a target domain. These domains are checked for their registration status and IP addresses.
Additionally, the IP addresses are matched against the AbuseIPDB database to check for potentially malicious activity such as abuse reports and the Abuse Confidence Score. The tool also provides WHOIS queries to determine the creation date of the domains found.
The output is clearly structured and provides only the most relevant information, such as the IP address, abuse level, ISP, country of origin and comments from reported incidents. PhishHunter is a valuable tool for security researchers and IT security departments to recognise and prevent phishing campaigns at an early stage.
Install all requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Configure the 'config.ini' file with your AbuseIPDB API key:
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Author: G0urmetD
Version: 0.7
usage: [-h] [-targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]] [-t-file T_FILE] [-clean]
Find possible phishing campaign domains.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]
Defines one or multiple target domains.
-t-file T_FILE Defines target domains in a txt file.
-clean Removes the temporary file.
python3 -targets <domain>
python3 -targets <domain1> <domain2> <domain3>
Craft a new txt file with some domains to check:
Then execute the tool with -t-file parameter and txt as input:
python3 -t-file target-domains.txt