____ _
___ __ _ ___ _ _/ ___| _ _| |__
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easySub is a subdomain enumeration tool.
# basic usage possibilities
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain # basic subdomain enumeration with cli output
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -api # extended subdomain enumeration with api key sources with cli output
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -p # basic subdomain enumeration with cli output & HTTP/HTTPS probe
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -p -hc 200,403 # basic subdomain enumeration with cli output & HTTP/HTTPS probe & filter for HTTP codes
# output possibilities
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -o output.txt # prints subdoamins into output file
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -o output.txt -ohttp # prints string 'http://' in front of every subdomain in output file
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -o output.txt -ohttps # prints string 'https://' in front of every subdomain in output file
# some examples
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -api -p -hc 200 -o target.txt -ohttps
python3 easySub.py -d target.domain -api -p -hc 200 -o target.txt -ohttp
Especially for Bug Bounty Hunting, you may want to have an overview, about new or removed subdomains. The history feature provides kind of functionality. If you search for subdomains with the -d parameter, the tool will create a history file for every target domain with date. If you use the -history parameter, you will get the difference between the last and the pre last subdomain search.
python3 easySub.py -d target-domain -history
| easySub |
| |
| Author: G0urmetD |
| Version: 1.3.2 |
usage: easySub.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-p] [-hc HTTPCODE] [-o OUTPUT] [-ohttp] [-ohttps] [-u] [-api] [-history]
Subdomain Enumeration Script
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
The domain for which subdomains are to be enumerated.
-p, --probe Check subdomains for HTTP/HTTPS status codes.
HTTP codes for filtering, separated by a comma (e.g. 200,401,403).
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name. Specifies the file name to which the subdomains are to be exported.
-ohttp Adds string in front of every subdomain: http://.
-ohttps Adds string in front of every subdomain: https://
-u, --update Switch parameter to update the tool.
-api Include sources that require API keys (configure in config.json).
-history Save subdomains to a history file and compare with the last scan.