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Use Case Catalog

Chase Tingley edited this page Nov 2, 2017 · 4 revisions

The following use case-like descriptions are based on responses from the "Specifications Survey" to the question, "what system-to-system integration examples does TAPICC need to cover?"

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  • Exchange project data and payloads between CMS and TMS, and with QMS. Make storage of translation project data easier and more efficient.

  • That ("A CMS system has translatable strings that it needs to send to and retrieve from a TMS system in the form of a translation project.") is pretty much the situation. Not limited to a CMS

  • Hot folders on file system, also perhaps from cloud storage

  • Define a standard package for exchanging localization material.

  • I don't see system to system intgration. I see standalone systems, where the business rules are the bridges between them and any party can write the push pulls for differnet systems.

  • CMS->TMS: send translatable content (XLIFF or native format)

  • TMS->CMS: send translated content back (XLIFF or native)

  • TMS->TMS: send smaller translation packages to translator / send packages back

  • To describe the interaction between CMS and TMS. EG. how to push content from a CMS and ingest into TMS. How to describe source and target locales (possibly this is covered by the metadata group?) How to push translated content back to CMS.

  • CMS to TMS, CMS to CAT Tool, TMS to CAT Tool, Content Tool (MS Office, Adobe CC, ...) to TMS, Content Tool to CAT Tool

  • Option to digitally sign assets sent from CMS<->TMS to ensure integrity of data in transit.

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