Python modules for program embeddings computation using the code2aes2vec method presented in [Cleuziou&Flouvat,2021].
The code2aes2vec modules offer the following functionalities :
- load a set of student programs from a (preformated) .json file as 'Attempt Dataset'
- load a set of exercises from a (preformated) .json file as 'Exercise Dataset'
- generate the AES (Abstract Execution Sequence) of a student program by analyzing program execution traces on a set of test cases
- train an embedding model from a training dataset of AES
- infer embeddings of new AES given a pre-trained model
Load the NewCaledonia_1014 (Attempt) dataset :
>>> from manage import jsonAttempts2data, jsonExercises2data
>>> NC1014 = jsonAttempts2data('Datasets/NewCaledonia_1014.json')
Load the NewCaledonia (Exercise) dataset :
>>> NCExercises = jsonExercises2data('Datasets/NewCaledonia_exercises.json')
Generate the AES of the first student program :
>>> from code2aes import Code2Aes
>>> aes = Code2Aes(NC1014[0],NCExercises)
Use the pre-computed AES and train an embedding model on the training set :
>>> from aes2vec import learnModel, inferVectors
>>> model = learnModel(NC1014)
Infer the embeddings of the test set given the trained model :
>>> results = inferVectors(model, NC1014)
Please cite the following reference when using the code2aes2vec modules :
author = {Guillaume Cleuziou and
Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric Flouvat},
editor = {Sharon I{-}Han Hsiao and
Shaghayegh (Sherry) Sahebi and
Fran{\c{c}}ois Bouchet and
Jill{-}J{\^{e}}nn Vie},
title = {Learning student program embeddings using abstract execution traces},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Educational Data
Mining, {EDM} 2021, virtual, June 29 - July 2, 2021},
publisher = {International Educational Data Mining Society},
year = {2021},
timestamp = {Wed, 09 Mar 2022 16:47:22 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}