This repository contains the code of a personal portfolio website created by the core team members of GDSC RTU.
- In an empty folder, open your git-bash/terminal/powershell/.
- In the terminal type the following command -
git clone
- You must see a folder called "personal-portfolio" on your machine.
- In the terminal type -
cd personal-portfolio
This command will move your control in the "personal-portfolio" project. 5. In your terminal write -
git pull
Though this is not required but this would ensure that you have the latest version of code available in your local folder. 6. Code. Code. Code... 7. After you've added all the parts that you wanted to, it's time to push the code on the repository. 8. Add the files by writing -
git add .
- Commit the files by writing -
git commit -m "I'm a sample message"
Note - Add relevant commit messages. For e.g. if you worked on the dark mode, you should write "added dark mode feature". 10. Push the code
git push