Hidden bases are now discovered, when you come closer than 5000m. After that you can see them in the Map and LaunchSite Selection list.
Added a toggle in the GameSettings, so you can unhide hidden bases
Buildings with colored grass got thier grass textures non-repeating tiled. This makes them a bit nicer to look at.
Port to KSP 1.8.X: Older Releases are not working anymore
GroupCenter: Fixed the orientation of bases, so they don't end up turned
Fixed some performance issues, that where intoduced several releases ago
Fixed some error in PQS Surface color calculations.
for Modders
Colors are now automatically converted to the new Grass-color format.
new GrassColor editor with new features. (Blend masks, texture blending)
new Color presets
You can define favorites for your own textures, so you can select them in the GrassColorEditor
This mod can now load and apply custom shaders. If you need something special, please let me know.
Statics are no longer colored, when the grass editor is open, so you can really see what you get
you can change the way how the grasscolor is sampled in the game settings.
You can’t perform that action at this time.