Pawprints & Tales provides a comprehensive backend server to manage and rent pets, ensuring a seamless experience for pet owners and enthusiasts. This system allows users to rent pets for a period, with flexible return options and secure payments, making it ideal for fostering or short-term pet care needs. It’s especially beneficial for those who love animals but cannot commit long-term.The server offers exciting features such as robust authentication and authorization to secure user data, admin-controlled pet management to ensure proper care and availability, and a streamlined rental process. This system is designed to provide peace of mind for both users and pet managers while fostering deeper connections with animals.
- User Authentication: Users can sign up, log in.
- News Feed Management: Only an admin and user will be able to create posts and also can update those.Everyone can see all the posts.
- Payment Management: An user can pay for premium posts allowing them to see all premium posts.
Technology Stack:
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Web Framework: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB(Mongoose for ODM)
- Validation Library: Zod
- Authentication & Authorization : JSON Web Token
- Payment : aamarpay
- Deployment : Vercel
The api has the following endpoints: API Endpoints:
- /api/auth
- /api/users
- /api/post
- /api/comment
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- MongoDB
Follow this simple step to clone the project:
git clone
cd pet-care-server
Now install the dependencies of the project:
npm install
Set up the environment variables in .env file
PORT = 5000
JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRES= Your Jwt Token Expire time
STORE_ID = Your aamarpay store id
SIGNATURE_KEY = Your aamarpay signature key
PAYMENT_URL = aamarpay base url for payment
PAYMENT_VERIFY_URL = aamarpay base url for verifying transaction id
RESET_PASS_UI_LINK = http://localhost:3000
APP_PASS = your google app password
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = your cloudinary cloud name
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = your cloudinary api key
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = your cloudinary api secret
You can compile typescript
npm run build
You can run the server in development mode
npm run start:dev
Or you can start the server by running the js files which is recommended
npm run start:prod