This repository was developed based on the content presented in the YouTube video by NetworkChuck, available at YouTube.
This project consists of two main parts: the first part involves the use of OnionShare, while the second part utilizes Nginx and mkp224o.
OnionShare is a powerful tool for securely and anonymously sharing files over the Tor network. This README will guide you through the installation process on Windows and Linux.
- Visit the OnionShare website at
- Download the Windows installer from the website.
- Run the installer and follow the instructions.
- Once the installation is complete, you can launch OnionShare from your Windows system.
1. Install snapd
If you're using a Linux distribution that supports snap packages, you can install OnionShare using snapd.
Open a terminal and run the following command to install snapd:
sudo apt install snapd
2. Install OnionShare
After installing snapd, you can easily install OnionShare with the following command:
sudo snap install onionshare
3. Linux CLI Commands
To use OnionShare via the command-line interface (CLI), run the following command to display the available CLI options and commands:
onionshare.cli --help
Nginx is a popular and high-performance open-source web server and reverse proxy server software. For more information about Nginx, you can visit the official website at NGINX.
1. Install Nginx
Install Nginx, a web server software:
sudo apt install nginx
2. Copy website files to Nginx directory
Copy the website files from the Dark Web Supreme project to the Nginx directory:
sudo cp -r ~/darkweb/website /var/www/
3. Edit Nginx default website
Open the Nginx default website configuration file for editing:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
4. Change Website location
Inside the configuration file, find the root directive and change it to point to your Dark Web website:
root /var/www/website
5. Test Nginx Config
Test the Nginx configuration to ensure there are no syntax errors:
sudo nginx -t
6. Restart Nginx
If the test is successful, restart Nginx to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart nginx
1. Install Pre-Requisites
Install the required pre-requisites for Tor:
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
2. Check Debian Version
Check your Debian version by running:
cat /etc/debian_version
3. Create a new Tor repository file
Create a new file for the Tor repository configuration:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list
4. Add Tor repository configuration
Add the following lines to the tor.list file, replacing with your Debian version:
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] <DISTRIBUTION> main
deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] <DISTRIBUTION> main
5. Add the GPG Key
Add the GPG key for the Tor repository:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tor
6. Configure Tor
Open the Tor configuration file for editing:
sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
7. Uncomment Tor configuration lines
Uncomment the following lines in the torrc file:
#HiddenserviceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service
#HiddenServicePort 80
8. Restart Tor
Restart the Tor service to apply the configuration changes:
sudo systemctl restart tor
9. See your onion address
To view your newly created .onion address, use the following command:
cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
A vanity onion address is a customized and human-readable .onion address on the Tor network. For this purpose, we will use the tool 'mkp224o' to generate vanity onion addresses. For more information, you can visit mkp224o.
1. Install mkp224o
Install the pre-requisites required for mkp224o:
sudo apt install gcc libc6-dev libsodium-dev make autoconf
2. Download Git Repo
Clone the mkp224o Git repository:
git clone
3. Change directories
Change to the mkp224o directory:
cd mkp224o
4. Build mkp224o
Build mkp224o using the following commands:
5. Generate your key
Generate your custom .onion address key. Replace with your desired key:
./mkp224o <KEY> -v -n 1 -d ~/onionkey -t 4
6. Copy your new key to the hidden service directory
Copy your generated key to the Tor hidden service directory:
sudo cp -r ~/onionkey/youraddressname/ /var/lib/tor/hidden_service
7. Restart Tor
Finally, restart the Tor service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart tor