- "Arbiter" - checking if your word can be used(ONLINE).
+ [WIP] offline version, but online version is working ;)
- "Pomocnik" - Count time for long-time players. Table for points. You dont need paper and pen anymore!
- [WIP] "Word finder" - find any word you can put on the board and prioritizes word which max point you can get.
- [WIP] "Zasady gry" - all knows rules of "scrabble"/"literaki" game
Used technology
- Android studio - To develop and test my app
- JUnit - To test app
- Java 8 - Languege used in app
- Słownik Języka Polskiego - Site which polish dictionary
- SJPApi - my own project to communicate with słownik języka polskiego
- Download Google play store
all rights belong to Damian Panasiuk. Not for commercial used.