This project contains small Isabelle "hacks" that provide additional functionality to Isabelle or showcase specific functionality. The individual hacks usually consist out of a single theory file and all documentation is contained in that theory file. The master branch should work with the latest official release of Isabelle (Isabelle 2021-1, at time of writing), hacks for older versions might be available on a dedicated branch.
Assert.thy provides a new top level command assert that provides a simple way for specifying assertions that Isabelle checks while processing a theory.
Code_Reflection.thy provides a new top-level command for reflecting generated SML code into Isabelle's ML environment.
Fxp.thy provides Isabelle support for The Functional XML Parser (fxp).
Hiding_Type_Variables.thy provides print a setup for defining default type variables of type constructors. The default type variables can be hidden in output, e.g.,
('a, 'b, 'c) foo
is shown as(_) foo
. This shorthand notation can also be used in input (using a parse translation), which (sometimes) helps to focus on the important parts of complex type declarations. -
Ml_Yacc_Lib.thy provides Isabelle support for parser generated by ml-yacc (part of sml/NJ).
Nano_JSON.thy provides support for a JSON-like data exchange for Isabelle/HOL.
Simple_Oracle.thy provides an example on integrating an external tool as simple oracle or counter example generator, similar to the built-in quickcheck.
Main author: Achim D. Brucker
If not otherwise stated, all hacks are licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license.
Main author: Achim D. Brucker
If not otherwise stated, all hacks are licensed under a 2-clause BSD-style license.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
The upstream git repository, i.e., the single source of truth, for this project is hosted by the Software Assurance & Security Research Team at