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GLAM Workbench documentation

This repository contains the main documentation files for the GLAM Workbench and is used to build the site at:

I also use this repository to bring together issues and discussions relating to the GLAM Workbench in general – feel free to contribute!

Here's a complete list of GLAM Workbench repositories.


Minor changes

For minor edits and corrections:

Major changes

If you're making major changes, such as adding a new section, you'll want to set up your own local version of the documentation for editing and testing:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Clone the forked repository to your own computer.
  • Create and activate a Python virtual environment. I use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv to create and manage Python versions and environments.
  • Move to the site directory: cd
  • Install pip-tools: pip install pip tools
  • Install requirements: pip-sync
  • Run the documentation site: mkdocs serve. The site will be available at
  • Create or edit pages in the docs directory. See MkDocs and Material for MkDocs documentation for more information.

Any changes to markdown files in the docs directory should trigger a rebuild and reload of the site. If you make changes to templates, or to the mkdocs.yml config file, you'll probably need to stop and restart the server. Once you've finished you can git push the changes back to your fork, and create a pull request.

Note that the main site is built using Material for MkDocs Insiders which is a private repository that can only be accessed through sponsorship. The instructions above will install the public version of Material for MkDocs. The site will look and act much the same, but some extended features, such as search and tagging won't be available.

Cite as

Tim Sherratt, GLAM Workbench, 2021,

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.