The VR and AR viewer component for GLARE
{servingAR && (<video ref={videoRef} autoPlay={true} muted playsInline />)}
<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>
{servingAR ?
<SphereMapAR data={DataAR} video={videoRef} /> :
<CubeMapVR data={DataVR} />
- data (required)
- panorama_image - relative path to panorama image that serves as the cube map for virtual space
- overlay - relative path to the overlay image that will appear over the virtual space
- overlay_size - the scaled size of the overlay image from 0 to 10
- overlay_offset_x - the offset from the overlay relative to the front cube face's x-axis
- overlay_offset_y - the offset from the overlay relative to the front cube face's y-axis
- virtual_object - relative path to the GL Transmission Format (glTF) binary format (GLB) to appear in virtual space
- tourBasePath - the basename path that will needs to be added in order for path files to be relative to the server's directory
- video (required) - the useRef to a video HTML element that will be used as a reference for the world camera's media stream.
- data (required)
- overlay - relative path to the overlay image that will appear over the virtual space
- virtual_object - relative path to the GL Transmission Format (glTF) binary format (GLB) to appear in virtual space
- tourBasePath - the basename path that will needs to be added in order for path files to be relative to the server's directory