Created By: FahmiCyber A Pocketmine Plugin ClansPro . This Language Plugin Is Bahasa Indonesia
- /clan about
- view plugin information
- /clan accept
- accept an invite
- /clan claim -
- claim a plot of land (two snow blocks will mark out the corners)
- /clan create
- create a clan
- /clan del -
- delete your clan (if you are the leader)
- /clan demote
- demote a player from CoLeader to Member
- /clan deny
- decline an invite
- /clan home
- go to your Clan's home
- /clan help
- display all ClansPro commands
- /clan info
- display your Clan's info and MOTD
- /clan info
- display another Clan's info and MOTD
- /clan invite
- invite a player
- /clan kick
- remove someone from the clan
- /clan leader
- give your leadership to someone else
- /clan leave
- leave a clan you are currently in
- /clan motd
- set the message of the day for your clan
- /clan promote
- promote a player to CoLeader rank
- /clan sethome
- set your Clan's home point
- /clan unclaim
- unclaim your plot
- /clan unsethome
- unset your Clan's home
#This Is My First Plugin :D